In revision to the earlier announcement no.
PSPPROIECT/SE/19/19-20 "PSP Projects Limited"
wish to update that the company has received a
letter of intent (LOI) of work worth INR 6014 million
(excluding GST) for Planning, Designing and
Construction of Flat Type High Rise Buildings cum
Commercial units including on-site development
with all infrastructure Services for 6348 Economical
Weaker Section (EWS) Housing Units under
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) at site no.
124A Chavindra / Pogaon Bhiwandi, Maharashtra
PSP Projects Awarded Work Orders for
reidential & Commercial projects
PSP Projects Limited has been awarded with new
work orders worth INR 6070.4 million (excluding
GST) for institutional and residential projects from
various clients, which inter alia includes a major
project of INR 6014. 0 million for Construction of Flat
Type High Rise Buildings cum Commercial units
including on site development with all infrastructure
services for Economical Weaker Section (EWS)
scheme at Bhiwandi, Maharashtra and remaining
from other clients
L&T Secures Order From BPCL
L&T Secures Order From BPCL And CMRL The
GeoStructure business of L&T Construction under
Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T) has secured an order
from Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL)
for ground improvement of tank foundation area,
using stone columns of 800mm dia and around 1.6
lakh RM, at Krishnapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The
business has secured another order from Chennai
Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) for construction of
balance works of cut and cover section in the Phase
1 extension works
L&T Awarded Contract For Water Supply
And Distribution In Sri Lanka
The Water & Effluent Treatment business of L&T
Construction under Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T)
has secured an EPC order from the National Water
Supply & Drainage Board for the execution of the
Kundasale Haragama water supply project in Sri
Lanka's Kandy district. Funded by Exim Bank of
India and Bank of Ceylon and envisaged to provide
drinking water to approximately 3.3 lakh people, the
project scope includes design, construction,
commissioning and O&M of an intake structure, 55
MLD water treatment plant, 73 km of transmission
mains, 19 Service Reservoirs of total capacity 16.2
ML, 9 Pump Houses, 280 Kms. distribution mains
and associated electrical, mechanical &
instrumentation works. The project also involves
automation including measurement of input & output
water quantity through suitable SCADA & other
international markets
WABAG Secures One City One Operator
Contracts In Uttar Pradesh
VA Tech Wabag Limited, a leading pure play water
technology Indian Multinational Company has
secured INR 1,477 Crore worth order from State
Mission for Clean Ganga - Uttar Pradesh towards
Operation, Maintenance and Management of the
Sewage treatment and network infrastructure in the
cities of Agra and Ghaziabad for a period of 10 years,
expandable for an additional period of 5 years.
WABAG will manage, operate and maintain 22
Sewage Treatment Plants, 22 Pumping Stations and
underground network of over 3,000 kilometers with
the objective of providing round the clock
uninterrupted operations. WABAG shall also
improve, rehabilitate and up-grade facilities related
to systems, structures and equipment etc.
associated with the Sewage Treatment Plants and
underground collection systems.
Palathra Constructions Wins Tender
issued by Public Works Department
Palathra Constructions Private Limited has
participated in a tender issued by Public Works
Department (Roads and Bridges), Government of
Kerala for the project “ Improvements and providing
BM and BC works to Pennukkara Kakkada road