METROBERRY JULY 2019 | Page 11

NEWS : INFRASTRUCTURE framework of highways development as the government plans to revive the model which has failed to elicit interest from the private sector. The authority has initiated consultations with the industry on the kind of changes that can be carried out in the framework. NHAI has identified projects with high traffic density which can be offered on BOT. Some of the major challenges facing BOT projects are timely land acquisition and forecasting traffic density correctly. Developers have in the past bid irrationally, after which they were not able to get financial closure and the projects were stuck in the operational stage. In the past, the operating risks were left completely on the private sector and there has almost always been a mismatch in the assessment of total project cost between NHAI and the developers rationalisation of various levies in infrastructure sector, fiscal incentives for development of Electric Vehicles industry, greater emphasis on recycling/up-cycling of waste material, and imparting infrastructure status to renewable energy sector. Varanasi to have ropeways to ease road congestion Budget 2019: Infrastructure sector seeks more capital and tax rebates Infrastructure sector has sought more capital and tax rebates for creating sustainable and stable opportunities. In a meeting stakeholders from infrastructure and climate change sectors suggested introduction of tax-free bonds to boost investment, streamlining of land acquisition p r o c e s s , c r e a t i o n o f G r e e n Te c h n o l o g y Acceleration Fund to promote renewable energy. In a statement the finance ministry said that the main areas of discussion included ways to bring in more capital to the infrastructure sector including incentives for electric vehicles as well as for the Green Sector including renewable energy among others. Other suggestions were to contain the rising cost of infrastructure projects, Work has begun for improving public transport system. As metro and mono rail are unfeasible here due to narrow roads, the proposal for ropeways is taking shape. Survey has begun on three routes for ropeway and in a meeting held by Commissioner Deepak Agarwal, it was decided that RITES (Rail India Technical and Economic Service) and engineering consultancy company specializing in the field of transport infrastructure would supervise the project. RITES official Vishakha said: "Ropeway is a good idea for old Kashi where roads are narrow and it is not possible to break structures." The first proposed route of the ropeway would be Shivpur to Sigra and Lanka while the second route would be from Kuccheri to Lahurabir, Maidagin and Gudauliya. The third route would be from Lahartara to Banaras Hindu University. Varanasi Development Authority (VDA) Vice-Chairman Rajesh Kumar said that the proposal for ropeways was presently under study. RITES is studying the feasibility of the project - whether a single ropeway or a double ropeway would be better. Once the initial study is completed which would take another fortnight or so, we will move on to the next stage of preparing a detailed project report (DPR)," he said. PAGE 11 I METROBERRY I JULY 2019