Metro North ABE Links Newsletter Spring 2023 | Page 7

New measures of success

An Integrated Education and Training ( IET ) program is a type of adult education program that combines basic skills training ( such as reading , writing , and math ) with occupational skills training . The goal of an IET program is to help adult learners gain the skills they need to succeed in both education and the workforce .
In Minnesota , the adult education program is administered by the Minnesota Department of Education ( MDE ). MDE works with a network of Adult Basic Education providers , which include community and technical colleges , school districts , and non-profit organizations , to offer IET programs to adult learners in the state .
IET programs in Minnesota are designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs of adult learners . They may be offered in a variety of formats , such as in-person classes , online courses , or a combination of both . IET programs may also be customized to meet the specific needs of individual learners , such as those who are working , have disabilities , or are English Language Learners .
To increase innovation , the federal government has created some additional methods for ABE students to demonstrate success . Learners not enrolled in an approved IET course must show a level gain on nationally normed tests , but IET learners can demonstrate success by showing progress on their postsecondary transcript , progress towards a milestone , the passage of an occupational exam , or demonstration of progress in attaining technical or occupational skills . These new expanded measures of skill gains are better suited to the IET program .
In addition to basic skills and occupational training , IET programs in Minnesota may also offer support services such as career counseling , job placement assistance , and support for continuing education and training . The goal of these support services is to help adult learners successfully transition to employment or further education and training . The use of the federally recognized measures of success will help create stronger IET programs that are more in line with Minnesota ’ s workforce needs .
Overall , the Minnesota adult basic education program is an important resource for adult learners in the state who are seeking to improve their basic skills , gain new occupational skills , and achieve their education and career goals .

Policy Update

As illustrated in the above image , Integrated Education and Training has three components :
• Adult education and literacy ( core ABE content )
• Workforce preparation activities ( e . g . ACES / TIF and Northstar )
• Workforce training ( for a specific occupation or occupational sector )
According to the federal definition of IET , these three components must be delivered contextually and concurrently .