Metaverse Library - Sci Fi Exhibit May 2013 | Page 9


Below is an example of notecarded books you will find on the 3rd floor of the Community Library .

Astounding Stories - issue January 1930 Beyond Lies the Wub by Philip K . Dick Beyond the Door by Philip K . Dick Earthmen Bearing Gifts by Fredric Brown The Time Machine by H . G . Wells The War of the Worlds by H . G . Wells

delighted with the opening turnout and show of support from the InWorldz community .

The Library Collection

There are over 50 science fiction books on the 3rd floor of the library . Some of the books give you the complete book on notecards if the book content is short enough and the book is not under copyright in the US .

The books have a letter on them that identifies the type of content .

A = Book gives URL to the book on Amazon . com ( USA )

G = Full book at Project Gutenberg

N = Book on notecards