Metaverse Library - Sci Fi Exhibit May 2013 | Page 50

49 posters , does most of the blog postings for the library , manages the library website and calendar and teaches library staff how to create library books and other interactive things for the library .

Alexina Proctor Alexina is the co-owner and founder of the Community Library along with Prax Maryjasz . As a co-owner of the Community Library , Alexina sits on the Board of Directors . She devises the agenda , leads the meetings , and keeps the board and consultants on track to meet deadlines .

Her primary responsibility is the techie side of running the library . She creates the

Alexina has retired from web development and teaching in the San Jose State University School of Library & Information Science .

When she is not working on the library , she is terraforming on one of the three regions she and Prax own , planting trees and flowers , creating waterfalls , helping Prax with script modification , or working on lighthouses , fountains and other things for sale at Featherburr .