Metaverse Library - Sci Fi Exhibit May 2013 | Page 28
Maxim Carissa
To find the build by Maxim Carissa and associate builders Nutty Swansong and Annemarie Wrydan , look for the portal that has the sign " Event Horizon " beside it .
a fair few builds in the bottomless pit of my inventory too .
From Max ' s bio : I am an old veteran to virtual worlds — been in a few and around a few — but stayed in a world he enjoys .
I build , contemplate builds , watch others build , have got
I am co-owner of Dawnsville and a new recent sim Harlow , with my partner Annmarie and my very good mate Nutty Swansong . All three are known for the Titanic build in InWorldz , plus we have done a couple of sci-fi builds for other people .