Metalsa Life Metalsa Life | Page 6

METALSA WORLD Apodaca, México Activate your profession Campo largo, brazil 5S´s at Campo Largo With the objective of using the practice of the 5S’s as a tool for improving the workplace, Campo Largo formed a team of employees from different areas in order to implement this tool at the plant. The purpose of the 5S´s approach is to improve workplace conditions in order to reduce the amount of waste and increase productivity. Efforts therefore focused on having a clean, organized, and respectful work environment. 6 metalsa life julY We would like to congratulate the two teams that scored the best grade in the 1st quarter of 2014: •Administration: Logistics Team and Foreign Trade •Manufacturing and common areas: SODEXO / PURE Company Cafeteria Team The challenge is to improve the areas of the plant to reduce the amount of waste and improve productivity! Last May 2nd, the graduation was held for those who participated in the 1st Generation of the ProActive Program where the 6 participants presented the projects they made during their assignment to their coordinators, DH team, Guide Team, and the Union. On May 5th, the 2nd Generation made up of 6 participants also started, assigned different areas, such as: Training, IT, Maintenance, Quality and Logistics. The proactive program arose on May 6th, 2013, as a strategy for achieving social mobility among unionized employees of Metalsa. Participants acquired professional experience, and applied the knowledge and skills they obtained during university in an environment where the aim was to make learning easier, to maximize their potential, and develop professional skills. At the end of th