Metal Onslaught Magazine May 2015 clone_May 2015 | Page 56

Daniel: Well, in Australia there is no crowd!

Karl: There is a metal scene in Australia, but its nowhere as good as America.

Daniel: There is a lot more form here, the shows have been violent.

Karl: Hate Mosh! There is so much violence here it's been crazy.

Mike: Yeah, I think in preparation for the show tonight, they actually got rid of the photopit area because photographers were getting crushed.

Daniel: Really? So tonight's going to be fun!

Mike: Back to the video for "Desolation". Did you have any input , did you know where you wanted it to go?

Josh: Kind of, we shot the footage from a live performance in Melbourne. There was a guy from Brisbane Red Boss who does a lot of videos, he is getting really big. We gave him the lyrics and a rough description of what the song was about and he shot the narrative up there. We pretty much gave him free range!

Karl: We understood he was a artist as well.

Josh: We left him with a lot of room to work with.

Mike: Was there a lot of going back and forth on the video?

Josh: Not really, it was pretty straight up. We filmed stuff for like nine hours! I threw up everywhere.

Karl: It was basically like playing a nine hour show!

Josh: Yeah, especially for our drummer Karl. Our shit is not exactly slow, you have to be a real athlete to keep up.

Karl: It was a tiring night!

Josh: Yeah, I was so exhausted, I threw up my guts everywhere.

Mike: I think fans sometimes lose sight of how much work is involved for bands to do the things they do.

Josh: Yeah, and it's also with shows, one show could take us nine hours to get there. Touring in general is tiring and draining, but it's worth it.

Mike: Do you think that growing up in the towns that you did in Australia influenced your musical direction?

Daniel: The town that Josh and I grew up in was very metal influenced at a young age. For Battle of The Bands, we could get like 500 kids there on a Friday or Saturday night.

Josh: It was one of those towns where it didn't matter. Nowadays it's like, whose playing here? "Oh, I don't like them?" Back then it was like "Oh , a metal band is playing!" And everyone just fucking heads down. It didn't matter who was playing. Now they want to know what sub genre is playing.

Mike: So after the tour wraps up with Sepultura, what are some other things that your fans can look forward to?

Josh: We go to tour in Australia with Chelsea Grin. That was just announced!

Daniel: Hopefully this year, we can get back to America and Europe, definitely.

Mike: what would you all like to say to your fans?

Daniel: To the American fans, thanks for coming out to a show and coming up and saying hello. I hope they like our music! Spread the word across the way because we are not going anywhere!

Band: We are a live band anyway! Come have a beer with us!