Metal Onslaught Magazine May 2015 clone_May 2015 | Page 34

Recently, Metal Onslaught Magazine had the pleasure of speaking with Jackie Laponza, lead singer of Unsaid Fate as well as the fiery, energetic female vocalist addition to Mushroomhead. Her distinctive voice injects feeling and emotion into her songs the likes of which puts her on par with some of the most well known female vocalists to be found. From an early age Jackie has chased her dreams, evolving as a artist as well as a person and not taking no for an answer. Along with being a successful artist, Jackie is also a person that cares deeply for her fans as well as those facing the challenges she faced growing up. Fueled by her hash tag #fuckhaters she empowers her fans to take no notice to what others say, but to strive to make themselves happy in all things. Its our distinct pleasure to share our interview with Jackie Laponza with you all!

Mike: First ,I want to ask you how Mike is doing after his knee surgery? I know you will be touring fairly soon correct?

Jackie: We actually go back out on tour mid August when the new album is slated to come out! He is actually doing pretty good. He has had a messed up knee for years and he had been holding off on getting it fixed and getting all of the particles pulled out of his knee and when they were in there they had to fix something else. This surgery helped prevent an even larger surgery later. He had a little down time since he had all his tracks done in the studio, so he had time to get this surgery taken care of.

Mike: When I last spoke with you, you were in the studio, was that for the current Unsaid Fate album?

Jackie: Yes, we have been in the studio since October. It's a long stretch, but we had to take time out to go on tour, or go to shows

and we still had a lot of things happening during the process of completing this album. We are creating some amazing stuff and taking another step as always!

Mike: What can we expect from the new album? Can you talk about it at all?

Jackie: It's definitely as expected, heavier than the last one. More of the metal direction and more writing with my new guitar player and new bass player. We actually worked with my new guitar player in the past for a long time, so we know how he writes