Metal Onslaught Magazine February 2015 Volume 1 | Page 55

you free. We don't want to write and sing just about shit you know? Half the time you have no idea what songs are about, the lyrics tend to be so vague. I mean did you not take any time with your lyrics? This is what 90% of listeners are attached to.

Mike: One more question, is there anything you would like to say to your fans around the world?

Mark: We are stoked for 2015 and we will continue to tour around the country until the middle of February and then we head off to Tokyo and then to Australia for soundwave. We are super thankful for all the support of our family and fans and loved ones that have been with us over the years to get us to this point. and speaking to the fans, we defintely hope to see you at a show and meet you and share a conversation, that's what it is all about! we are just normal dudes too that enjoy music and life!