Metal Onslaught Magazine February 2015 Volume 1 | Page 47

something, why not endeavor to create the greatest example there has ever been or ever will be? If a band forms and the members do not have the belief that they are the greatest, then maybe they should try again, right there. Exactly!

Mike: Where does ArnoCorps draw its inspirations for music and or lyrics?

Holzfeuer: We’re inspired by the heroic tales of Austria’s alpine communities, tales which have been passed down for generations and were bastardized for use as plot material in Hollywood Austroploitation action films, right there. Can you believe that? We are so pumped to have the opportunity to educate people, to help them discover the motivational messages contained in the fantastic lore and mythology, such as Predator, Running Man, Total Recall, Conan the Destroyer, Last Action Hero, Pumping Iron and so many more. Restoring integrity to these stories is no simple task, let me tell you. Once a ballsy narrative has been exploited for something very commercial like a Hollywood production, it’s difficult for people to perceive the actual depth of the tale, the timelessness of the character based on heroic archetypes, learning how the struggles of the hero personas can be applied to their own life. We help people to appreciate the goddamn ballsy symbolism, the inspirational aspects, all these kinds of things in our lyrical content. This also informs our choices in writing the music, the rhythms, the harmonies. We create sounds that evoke imagery, emotion and promote muscular strength and mass increases along with cardiovascular improvements. It’s unbelievable. There is no better soundtrack for a workout or adventure in life than ArnoCorps music.

Mike: What where some or your musical inspirations growing up? and why?

Holzfeuer: Beyond alpine folk music of Austria, we take influence from any music that has a sense of intensity, energy and sincerity. Each member of ArnoCorps has difference influences, of course, but I remember the very first record I purchased as a young child was “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen, a 7 inch single. Something about that tune got me pumped and I just loved the presence of the bass guitar. As I got older, I began to get disenchanted with a lot of overly slick rock music and choir boy vocal approaches in many bands didn’t appeal to me. Something seemed artificial or contrived about it to my earholes. I had a hard time believing there was real connection with the content of their songs. Then, in my teens, of course I discovered punk rock along with the bands that were more in the thrash realms of metal, right there. I became immersed in skateboarding in the late 80’s on through the mid 90’s and this definitely exposed me to a lot of underground bands that were featured on the skate videos and featured in Thrasher magazine and all this. This music somehow seemed more true, to me. More raw, like reality, but somehow providing a sense of escapism at the same time! There was a connection between the energy of the music and the content of the lyrics that made me believe. When I chose to get involved in creating music, I wanted to deliver on what I looked for as a listener, as a fan, and I was pumped to find bandmates with similar goals. When I am shouting my goddamn ballsy lyrics, there is nothing on Earth that I believe in more, at that moment, and I think this resonates with fans of ArnoCorps. It assists them in feeling the pump because they can tell the band is feeling the goddamn pump, too, right there! My pectorals and deltoids are twitching right now just thinking about it, alright!

Mike: What would someone coming to a ArnoCorps concert for the first time expect to see and or witness?

Holzfeuer: I hope that they would not merely see or witness anything. We want them to experience it, not as an observer, but as a participant, right there. The audience is a key component to what we do, so every action adventure audio assault we conduct is different than the last. The crowd very much dictate the atmosphere by how willing they are to participate and to unleash their potential to become heroes and sheroes along with having a goddamn ballsy good time. It’s fantastic when everyone comes dressed for a rescue mission, wearing the camouflage face paints and all this. Regardless, we always deliver on stage. We put it all out there, but we’ll adjust according to the crowd temperaments, we give ourselves room to adapt, just like any other life situation, right there. If the crowd is going absolutely goddamn bananas, I know I can focus more on my vocal delivery and be less physical, maybe. If the crowd is more sedate, I like to encourage them by setting example, and I’ll throw myself around the stage more wildly and put a higher priority on energy than on vocal performance. Stage invasions, crowd surfings, all these things are common at ArnoCorps audio assaults. The world is what you make of it, and so is ArnoCorps. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves! I have lost track of how many times I’ve been told “that was the best gig I’ve ever been to” after our sets. We cannot ask for better rewards than hearing those words.