DDR: So here we are at Mayhem Fest speaking with J-Mann is mature enough to know what each other strengths are so
from Mushroomhead. Tell me about some of the highlights there is no fighting over parts of the song. It’s pretty obvious
from Mayhem Fest this year.
who will shine on what part.
J-Mann: Well, the crowds have been amazing, but I think the DDR: So it’s like riding a bike and picking up where you left
highlights for me have been the comradery with the bands. off.
The bands have been getting along great and making new
J-Mann: Oh yeah,
friends, meeting great people,
getting turned on to some great
relationship Skinmusic.
ny and I have.
DDR: Being now that there are
We have worked
three vocalists in the band, how
on many other
would you say the dynamic has
side projects as
changed if at all?
well so we just
know how to
J-Mann: I really don’t think it’s
work together.
changed a whole lot . We always
had two
DDR: What is, if
any, the most
and I had
challenging song you
a prior
guys perform live?
relationJ-Mann: Oh wow, the
most challenging song.
They are all equally chalwith Jeff
lenging and in the same
when I
token they are all equalwas origly easy. Getting back to
inally in
the riding the bike thing,
the band
everyone in this band
and I’ve
has been doing this for
known Waylen ever since he has been in the band. I wasdecades so you know
n’t really that difficult. We already had a friendship and a
it’s par for the course.
creative relationship, especially Jeff and I, and I think everyone