May Trapped under ice + backtrack + broken teeth + climates 7.30 £ 10 ( 5th may )
tesseract , The algorithms , enchain theory ( 15th may ) £ 5 7.30pm
tonight alive , Transit , Gavin Butler ( Blackout ) £ 10 7.3opm ( 29th may )
Jilted generation ( prodigy tribute ) , Hypercharge £ 10 7.30pm ( 31st may )
for more dates and other gigs check out the fleece website
April Callahan + Phoenix Club + A Doubtful Sound + Midnight Wire ( 24th April )
£ 5 8 . oopm
Thousand Fingers + Holding Tides + Calling Card + Gag Reflex ( 25th april )
£ 5 8.00pm
Cosmic Dead + Anthropropph + Uiutna + Olanza ( 28th April )
TBC 8 . oopm
Metal To The Masses Heat 7 ( 28th April )
£ 4 8 . oopm
Iron Chic + Bear Trade + Dividers ( 30th april )
£ 6 8.30pm