Metal Mash Metal Mash Issue 15 | Page 14

ok so as you know on 7th august its my 21st birthday hence 21 all over the place so im going to use this issue to let you into my world and tell you more about me the person who gives you rock and metal every two weeks .
I was born in Bristol 7th august in year 1992 in southmead hospital my dad well less said about him the better he walked out on me when i was little for most of my life its bin my mum bless her who stood by my all these years in which i owe allot to .
Growing up wasn ' t easy for me i had a medical condition that used to open up to bullies and cowards who seen me as an easy target so yh i was bulled over it which wasn ' t nice but i look back on it now think look at me know . so over years i sufferd from the hands of bullies people who made me feel more ill that the sickness but i got better and moved to Weston super mare in my later life .
I got better and got my head down at school . It was when i moved to Weston i joined the scouts best time of my life some great memories . I also carried on my tae kwon do a martial art finished on a red belt .
I then when to college and got distinction grade in health social care i wanted to go work with children and use my life experiences to help them as i have done to other ' s .
I guess you could say im the kind of person who would stop help someone and listen to there problems . which i thank you the readers that also listen to what i have to say .