Messina Volume 1 | Page 4


Messina is city on the island of Sicily in Southern Italy that sits along the strait of Messina. Messina is full of mountains and hills, but it is mainly surrounded by the sea. These seas include the Ionian and Tyrrhenian Seas. Messina is very important to Italy, because it is the main portal Sicily. Messina is thought to have an urban layout, but many more modern buildings have been put there. Some of the interesting things in Messina are the Cathedral of Messina, the Church of the Madonna di Pompei, Duomo Square, the Fountain of Orion, and the Fountain of Neptune. Even though Messina is on the island of Sicily, it has an island of it's own. The island is called the Island of Lipari.

Messina, Italy

How does Messina look?

Where Is Messina on the Map

Messina is in Southern Italy on the island of Sicily. It is the main portal city to Sicily.