Italy Now
Not much is happening in Italy right now, other than the drama that has previously been discussed, but there is one thing. Very reccently, in 1548, St. Ignatius founded the first Jesuit college in the world.
Much Ado About Nothing
In Much Ado About NOthing it doesn't blatently state what Messina is like. The environment is very festive like they're on vacation. It says thingsa about it having sort of a 'tuscan feel'. The movie helps describe wheat it was like even more.
Where is it?
Messina is located in Sicily. Sicily is the southern island in Italy, and Italy is in Europe. Since it is an island, there are beaches. The oceans that surround Messina are, Ionian, Medditerranian, and Tyrrhenian Seas.
Messina Description
Messina is a rolling hilly city in Sicily, Italy. On the west coast lies a siries of beaches, Throughout the city, which is like a tuscan city, there are feilds, and wide streets.