MeshworkReport_FINAL | Page 34

METHODS 32 rather than top-down system of validation for social practice. Stakeholders were able to determine their level of engagement over the course of the research, with a choice towards the second half of the project of paid and voluntary opportunities and commissions to bid for. The aim of the interviews and follow up survey was threefold: to ascertain current gaps and issues in the field of social practice, to uncover current methods of validation and to determine whether an online platform developed by Axisweb could address some of these gaps and provide a necessary service for the stakeholders involved. Initially, interviewees were approached from the project’s stakeholder group. Alongside this, individual targeted emails were sent to stakeholders outside the group to broaden the interviewee pool in terms of geographic distribution of interviewees, diversity of participants and variety of roles in the field. Those interviewed represented a broad geographical distribution of social practice both in England, including Yorkshire, Lancashire, Merseyside, Bristol, Kent, Berkshire, Greater London; the UK including Scotland and Wales, and further afield including Toronto, Chicago and New York City. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS The interview questions were designed to identify common themes across the different stakeholders and to determine whether an online platform developed by Axisweb could address some of these gaps and provide a necessary service for the stakeholders involved. Broader questions around the definition of social practice and issues and gaps facing the field were kept consistent between all interviewees; however, additional questions were also asked to ascertain the different validation models and evaluation methods utilized by stakeholders according to their main role in the field — whether as artist, commissioner, funder or researcher. Consent forms were signed by all interviewees ahead of the interview date and, for those interviewed via skype or telephone call, the interview questions were sent a week ahead of the scheduled interview date. Each interview lasted approximately 50 minutes. In addition to the interviews, respondents were asked to voluntarily complete a short questionnaire after the interview had finished. This was designed to identify which components of a new digital platform provided by Axisweb would appeal to different stakeholders and to determine commonalities between the groups. The questionnaire was met with an 88% completion rate. ANALYSIS Analysis of the transcripts began with open coding of a selection of interviews for each of the three groups. Key phrases and words were extracted from the transcripts and after identifying the global themes, interviews were analysed according to the outcome harvesting method. In addition to gathering global themes from the transcripts, particular attention was paid to the respondent’s emotional response, their values/opinions and the frequency of certain answers.