By Dr Ali Juma
As a senior Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon I find it interesting and enjoyable to write articles about cosmetic surgical procedures to a readership with a diverse range of interests .
This article is the first of a series , with the intention of being easy-toread and informative for those who wish to know facts about plastic surgical , non-surgical cosmetic procedures and treatments .
It is important to stress that a tummy tuck ( abdominoplasty ) as a procedure includes a number of options . These options include a mini — abdominoplasty , a traditional abdominoplasty , a Fleurde-Lis abdominoplasty . The latter two could also include a belt lipectomy , which in selected patients , adds further improvement to the lower back , flanks , and tummy .
In this article I have opted to concentrate on a traditional tummy tuck as it is the most common procedure when it comes to abdominal contouring . Abdominoplasty can be combined with liposcution of areas like the flanks (‘ love handles ’) and in some patients the pubic area .
Benefits of a Tummy Tuck : The procedure ’ s benefits are to improve the contour of your tummy , create a more youthful look and reduce any excess of fat and skin , where required . The procedure includes contouring of the tissue where the muscles are located , known as the rectus sheath . This helps improve the tummy contour and the waistline .
It is important to stress that reducing the skin excess and fatty tissue is only a part of this surgery . The stitching and contouring of the rectus sheath , in my opinion , is of paramount importance to recreate the contours of a more youthful tummy .
The umbilicus is also made more youthful and more visible , rather than “ sunken ”. The curvature associated around the umbilicus is recreated , when possible . This gives a visibly more-pleasing cosmetic outcome . The number of stretch marks is reduced in the removed skin , which reduces any skin excess adding to an improved shape and curves .
Surgical Incisions : In a traditional tummy tuck , the lower tummy incision will extend from flank to flank ; however , in smaller tummies this will be shorter . This surgical incision length will vary from person to person and in a small number of patients may , on occasions , have a small vertical component if the skin excess is limited . There will also be an incision around the umbilicus . A choice of the umbilicus shape can be discussed with your surgeon . All the incisions lead to permanent scars , which in the majority of patients , will be of good quality . All incisions form scars , and the lower scar is usually hidden in the bikini .
The immediate post surgery time : The surgery is normally carried out under a general anaesthetic and the hospital stay is 1-2 nights . The postoperative recovery is 4-6 weeks . In some patients surgery could be carried out under a local anaesthetic with sedation , and in tummies that undergo a very small amount of tissue removal surgery could be performed as a day case .
In my practice I use drains , which remove the excess blood and fluid that occurs following surgery as I find it beneficial ; however , not all surgeons use drains . An abdominal corset is worn for a period of 4-6 weeks to give support and help reduce swelling . More recently I use INDIBA , radio-frequency outpatient treatment , to help promote more healing and reduce swelling by effectively improving lymphatic drainage . This technology also helps improve scars .
The stitches used are dissolvable ; however , a wound check at 10- 12 days following the surgery will be carried out and the stitches are trimmed in order that they do not irritate the skin . I follow up patients for a year ; however , this is my preference and can vary between surgeons and hospitals . In my practice I have an “ opendoor policy ” for my patients .
Potential risks & complications : Like any surgery carried out , there are associated potential risks and complications which are important to know and understand prior to undergoing the surgery . It is of profound importance to stress that the risks and potential complications listed below are not common ; however , having this information to help you make an informed decision prior to cosmetic surgery is crucial part of your care .
The risks associated with a tummy tuck may include bleeding , seroma ( collection of fluid under the skin ), which in a small number of patients may necessitate introducing a small needle to remove the fluid ; however , in most cases it resorbs without any intervention .
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