Tracking cheating spouses , finding hidden assets , missing people , insurance fraud , employees on the sick - ' It ' s all mission possible '.
Are you intrigued about what a Private Investigator can do for you ? Do you presume we walk around wearing trench coats carrying a magnifying glass like Sherlock Holmes or even drive a Ferrari in Hawaiian shirts like Tom Selleck in Magnum P . I ? We wish . Let me introduce you to my clandestine world with the first of three editorials for Mersey Life .
What do Private Investigators do ? My job is to help organisations , members of the public and solicitors solve sensitive or difficult problems by discreetly gathering information and solid evidence . This covers the broadest spectrum of issues . For example , I do extra-marital affair investigations , employee absence and insurance fraud enquiries . I find people others cannot find . I can monitor any vehicles movements using GPS trackers , conduct comprehensive background checks on individuals and serve legal documents for solicitors .
How can you be useful to me ? Many of my clients come to me for an answer to something they have been worrying about for years . As well as proving infidelity , which is on a personal level , I also save companies thousands by following their employees who are allegedly ‘ sick ’. I once followed a male who claimed he couldn ’ t walk unaided without his stick , but I filmed him refereeing a football match ! Needless to say he was dismissed . I have also conducted lifestyle surveillance on individuals who are going through a lengthy divorce process . I have uncovered high value undisclosed assets that the client was not aware of , such as property , which became part of the divorce financial settlement . In short , I can help anyone with any situation , if they suspect foul play .
What experience do you have ? I spent 25 years in the Police specialising in covert Policing and Surveillance . I have investigated criminals of all levels confidently and successfully . All my operatives are ex-Police and ex-military with a wealth of experience in this field of work . I was awarded several commendations for my investigative skills , professionalism , bravery and saving lives . Investigation is in the blood of our family , as my father was a Police officer and by brother is also a serving officer too .
What is a typical day ? Well , there is no typical day . Some weeks I have more investigation work than surveillance and other weeks I will be sat at my desk compiling reports for my clients . The only thing I do every day is make sure my vehicle is in order and that all of my equipment is in it ’ s place and fully charged . I get a lot of clients who phone me at any time of the day and I have to get to a location as soon as possible . I have to be ready to go 24hrs a day .
What sort of equipment do you use ? My team ’ s equipment list doesn ’ t quite resemble James Bond ’ s unfortunately . It includes the obvious items such as a variety of size secret cameras , ingenious disguised tiny listening devices , covert body worn cameras and mega zoom camera drones ( well , those are the things I can tell you about ). Obviously we also carry stealth clothing for covertness , and
40 merseylife . com we have various household-name corporation ' disguise ' uniforms which are very useful .
What is your favourite piece of equipment ? There is a lot of really cool stuff in our arsenal of covert gadgetry that you wouldn ' t know existed , but our clients love the vehicle trackers . They are tiny magnetic devices that are hidden on a vehicle and all the client has to do is download an app to their mobile device , then they can see the vehicle ’ s location 24hrs a day from the comfort of their own home . This is without doubt ' our number one for cheating spouses ', so they can see where their other half is at that particular moment . We also use a lot on company vehicles so employers can keep track on their staff , especially if off ' sick '. We ' ve even placed a number on cars belonging to the client ' s children , wanting to know they were safe . They give accurate evidence and reassurance day and night .
How can I trust you ? Trust and confidentiality are paramount . It ’ s that simple . When people come to me for help , they trust me with the most personal issues . Those issues go no further than my team . We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office to guarantee that your information is kept with ultimate privacy , and we of course conform to GDPR guidelines .
Have you ever been caught following someone ? No … not yet ! I ’ m sure it will happen at some point . Most people are unbelievably oblivious to their surroundings . I have been following some people for weeks on end and sat and had dinner next to them ( covertly recording them with one of our disguised tiny camera / microphones ), been on and off public transport with them and still , they pay me no attention . I came close on one occasion in a bar where I had no other option but to escape into the ladies ’ toilets and pretend I ' d had one too many .
What about any memorable jobs ? Tons ! But I was following a male once as his wife suspected he was having an affair . After a few days it turned out he was having two affairs ! I updated the client before he got home to her and as I approached the house behind him , the client was in the upstairs bedroom window throwing the contents of his wardrobe onto the front lawn !
So , what is the process of hiring you ? You can either give me a call or send me an email . The details are on our website www . trojaninvestigations . co . uk . I ’ m also happy to meet clients in person too for a free initial discussion . I have heard it all , so there is no need to be embarrassed about the situation you are in . I am here to help my clients whatever it takes . Once we have spoken , I will make arrangements suited to getting my clients the best possible result . My team will keep you up to date at all times , throughout any investigation and provide you with all of the reports , photographs , audio recordings and video footage .
I can help anyone with any situation , if they suspect foul play . Please call on 01244 961766 for a no obligation discussion .