Anybody who knows me well , will be aware that I absolutely hate feeling cold but as many of you would have seen , a growing number of health influencers , celebrities , athletes and trainers have been raving about the benefits of cold water therapy and most recently extreme athlete ‘ Wim Hof ’ has been demonstrating how effective CWT can be both physically and mentally . So , what is cold water therapy ?
Cold water therapy is the practice of using cold water ( around 15 o C or below ) to stimulate a variety of health benefits ; this could be in the form of an ice bath , a cold shower , wild / outdoor dipping or cryotherapy .
Supporters of CWT believe that immersing yourself in cold water can improve both your mental and physical health , of which many benefits have been proved by science . Having experienced this myself , there is absolutely no doubt that similar to most physical activity , CWT stimulates endorphins which can help improve your mood and reduce stress , anxiety and depression . When immersing in cold water , breathing techniques are also improved as it takes a lot more focus , this can also assist in the reduction of stress and anxiety as you enter into a meditative state of mind . Other benefits can include improved circulation , regulated sleep patterns , reduced inflammation / water retention in your body , increased energy levels and a boosted immune system .
Using cold water therapy for recovery ? Not only can the cold water numb pain by constricting blood vessels which can help reduce swelling and inflammation , similar to when treating a sprain . It can also increase blood flow due to another property of the water ; hydrostatic pressure . However , for the best recovery you may combine CWT with active recovery and stretching post exercise to reduce the risk of delayed onset muscle soreness ( DOMS ).
Another way that CWT can benefit the body and mind can be during the different stages of menopause . Cold water immersion can help lower body temperature much faster than most techniques , it is also linked to sharpened focus which can assist with brain fog and better sleep . In my professional opinion I am going to say that you will not lose weight from immersing yourself in cold water however , I do believe that it can speed up your metabolic rate which is the rate that your body uses energy and burns calories .
If you want to start CWT and experience all of the benefits that come with it , first and foremost talk to your doctor . Because cold water immersion can affect your blood pressure , heart rate and circulation , it can cause cardiac stress therefore discuss the risks with your doctor and ensure it is safe for you before trying it . Even with medical consent you should make sure that you have made someone aware that you are trying CWT and where possible have somebody with you to monitor your condition , especially when outdoor / wild swimming or dipping .
If you want to really feel the benefits of CWT then it will require consistency and the ability to get comfortable being uncomfortable . It doesn ’ t require you jumping into freezing cold lakes everyday , it can be as easy as adding a blast into your daily shower routine . Like anything new that you are introducing into your routine , you should start slow and gradually progress ; here are a few ideas to get you started : -
• After you have showered at a normal temperature , remain under the water and in intervals gradually drop the temperature until you feel uncomfortable .
• Step fully into a cold shower ; especially straight from a workout .
• Immerse yourself into an ice bath , keeping the temperature around 15 o C .
• Consider an outdoor dip ( make sure that you are in a controlled environment with the relevant equipment and somebody with you ).
Even though the method of CWT sounds very simple and effective it is still dangerous and you need to consider that your body temperature could still keep dropping even after you get out of the cold water which increases the risk of hypothermia . You should ensure that you get warm immediately after immersing in cold water by getting out of any wet clothes , drying off and dressing warm in dry layers ; drink a warm beverage ; find a warm place ; try and keep moving to raise your body temperature and avoid taking a hot shower as a sudden change in blood flow can cause fainting . It is important to remember that results will vary for each individual and CWT may not be for everybody .
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