Mersey Life March 2022 | Page 59

By Laura Spence Aesthetics
With summer fast approaching most of us want to dust the shorts and skirts off and as we do this we start to think about what our legs look like and how we may need to start waxing or shaving or even some people have considered laser hair removal . That ' s great and fine but what happens when you see those little veins starting to appear ?
No amount of waxing or shaving will remove them unfortunately you have thread veins !
So what are these ? They tend to branch and give a spidery sort of pattern hence their common name . Thread veins are completely harmless . Thread veins can be more visibly ageing than lines and wrinkles , leading many people to take action to remove them . These are very common , especially in people in their 40s , 50s and 60s . Almost all women will experience thread veins at some point in their life and they are usually associated with underlying vein problems .
What causes Thread Veins ? A number of factors contribute to the appearance of thread veins on your skin , but they are all related fundamentally to placing pressure on capillaries and finer veins , resulting in damage or expansion . These factors include : Genetic inheritance , Ageing , Sedentary lifestyle , Leg injuries , Sun-damage , Obesity , Alcohol Smoking and Hormonal changes .
How to prevent Thread Veins There are some steps you can take to reduce your chances of getting thread veins . These can also help you ease your discomfort from the ones you already have :
• Wear elastic support stockings and avoid tight clothing that constricts your legs .
• Avoid wearing high heels for long periods of time .
• Eat a low-salt diet rich in high-fibre foods .
• Wear SPF 30 ( Sun Protection Factor ) lotion to protect your skin . Exercise regularly to improve your leg strength and circulation .
• Avoid crossing your legs for long times when sitting . You may injure your legs that way . Lift your legs when resting as much as possible .
• Don ’ t stand or sit for long periods of time .
Our treatment recommendation is our new machine Vasculase , a compact laser device offering an affordable solution for the effective removal of unwanted thread veins – with instant results .
Advanced thread vein removal using 980nm laser technology to target unwanted thread veins and broken capillaries . 3D Vasculase works by applying a narrow 980nm laser beam to target the vein using a precise application . The red blood cells in the thread veins absorb the laser energy , causing the blood within the vein to heat up , damaging the wall of the vein . This reaction causes the thread vein to close down . Once the vein has closed down , the body absorbs it , causing it to disappear .
We can treat the following areas : Thighs - High impact exercise , along with pregnancy can often contribute to the development of thread veins on the legs . This is extremely common , however for those clients that wish to get rid of their unwanted thread veins , they now can . 3D Vasculase can target unwanted veins in one quick , easy , and effective treatment .
Calves - High impact exercise , along with pregnancy can often contribute to the development of thread veins on the legs . This is extremely common , however for those that wish to get rid of any unwanted thread veins 3D Vasculase can treat these veins in one quick , easy , and effective treatment .
Ankles - Similar to the legs , thread veins can commonly develop on the ankles which can be simply be down to day-to-day impact , and the natural ageing process . 3D Vasculase is the ideal treatment for targeting unwanted veins in this area .
Call 01244 319658 to book an appointment .