Mersey Life March 2022 | Page 57

By Charlotte Forde
With the likes of Tiger Woods , Rory McIlroy , Dustin Johnson and more recently Bryson DeChambeau emphasising the importance of golf related fitness , golfers are now much more appreciated as athletes . Of course , as a recreational golfer your aspirations may be more like finishing a round of golf pain free than hoping to win The Open ( albeit returning to the Wirral next year ). However , even if you only play golf leisurely , the golf swing is a dynamic and powerful movement that can put stress on the joints if the body is deconditioned ; that is why even body weight exercises and stretches can not just prepare you for your next round , but can also reduce your risk of injury and enhance your overall game , especially when returning after a seasonal break .
Here is a selection of exercises that can be completed at home to help optimise your golf performance ready to return to the course .
your chest . Begin to rotate your trunk whilst keeping your lower body stable , repeat ten times then change to the opposite side .
Cats and Dogs can improve the range of motion in your spine . Start in an all fours position with the hands underneath the shoulders and the knees underneath the hips . Without bending the elbows , lower your chin towards your chest , rounding at the shoulders and creating a cat position . Slowly lift your head and try to lower your spine creating an arch in your lower back creating a dog position . Repeat the sequence 10 times .
Toe Touches help develop hamstring strength and flexibility . Start at a full body length with your hands above the head . Slowly roll down towards the floor through the spine , keeping the knees soft and the arms lengthened . Return to your neutral starting position and repeat 10 times .
W Turns help loosen the thoracic spine and maintain a stable posture . Place a golf club resting on the soft tissue across your shoulders behind your neck and grab each end creating a ‘ W ’ shape with your arms . Position yourself in a 5 iron set up and turn your shoulders from side to side whilst maintaining your posture and repeat 10 times .
Single Leg Balance improves your balance whilst in golf posture and builds lower body stability . Start by standing on one leg and adopt a stable golf posture . Lift one leg and cross your arms across
Half-Kneeling Turns can build greater flexibility between your upper and lower body and also teaches you how to stabilize your lower body while rotating your upper body . Get into a half kneeling position with one front in front with the knee at a 90 degree angle . Lift the torso as tall as possible and raise your club above your head whilst maintaining your posture . Slowly rotate your trunk and the club as far as possible in both directions and repeat 10 times .
Supported Single Leg Deadlift develops strength in your hip hinge which is used to generate power in your swing . Place both hands on the back of a chair . Keep your core tight by squeezing your navel to your spine and slowly raise your leg off the floor , hinge forward from your hip trying to maintain length through your bodyline . Lower as far as comfortable allowing your knee to bend slightly and then return to a standing position . Repeat 10 times on each leg .
If it has been a while since you have exercised and / or you have health issues or concerns , please consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine . If you would like a personalised exercise programme or to find out your golf fitness handicap , email train @ ellavatefitness . com to book in for your free assessment using code MERSEYLIFE .
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