Mersey Life March 2022 | Page 40

As we prepare for the clocks to spring forward at the end of the month , the new season provides an early flush of nature ’ s bounty . We ’ ll welcome asparagus from Claremont farm and Formby , watercress from Hooton along with courgettes and their flowers and plenty of spring greens and edible flowers to dress our dishes . Menai mussels from Wards are on the top of their game with the sea providing plentiful bounty , whilst our fields continue to deliver high quality responsibly produced meats for our tables . We continue to work as hard as ever with our suppliers to ensure only the best produce enters our kitchen .
We welcomed Lord Newborough of the Rhug Estate , one of our trusted producers , alongside a list of the culinary who ’ s who for a special presentation lunch at the restaurant in early March . In a first for the north of the UK , the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts came to our restaurant and I was delighted to host the special day and presented our very own Beth Disley-Jones with a special certification on completion of her Royal Academy Apprenticeship . In attendance from the Academy were John Williams , Executive Chef at The Ritz ; Gary Jones , Head Chef of Le Manoir aux Quat ’ Saisons ; Brian Turner , President of The Royal Academy of Culinary Arts ; Hrishikesh Desai , The Gilpin Lodge ; and Steven Doherty who combined have held over 10 Michelin stars between them .
As a team in the restaurant and at the Royal Academy I have been dismayed to see the events unfolding in Ukraine . We listened to an incredibly moving speech from Uri , a Ukrainian Chef and agreed that we , as a body of people , would do whatever we could to help those displaced and affected by these tragic events .
I must admit to mixed emotions on the day . I was incredibly proud to host esteemed colleagues who I am fortunate to call friends and showcase the best our region has to offer , with slight nerves being in such revered company . Hot on the heels of our 18th place in the acclaimed Harden ’ s Guide Top 100 UK Restaurants Guide , it ’ s been one hell of a month .
And the hard work continues . Mothering Sunday will see us open the restaurant for a special celebratory lunch . Like for many of you , it ’ s an emotional day for me and the family as it is a poignant reminder of my own much missed mum , Marjorie “ Moriarty ” Askew . We will welcome many mums to the restaurant and I shall raise a toast to mine with Helen and Harry after service .
Mothering Sunday will be the first of three big events , with graduation ceremonies sandwiched somewhere in-between !
Plans are galloping – sorry , couldn ’ t resist - ahead for “ The Art School at Aintree ” at this year ’ s event . We have converted the former home of Mirable Topham , which overlooks the parade ring , into The Art School and will be serving up 6-course Champagne dinners across the three days . I believe there are one or two spaces still available with the course ’ s website having all of the details for bookings .
After the race is run it will be full steam ahead for a new 4-day festival , Taste Liverpool Drink Bordeaux , which this year coincides with her Majesty ’ s platinum jubilee . Hosted through several key routes in the city centre and with a special tasting area created in Exchange Flags , the event will feature the very best of Liverpool ’ s food , guest chefs , cookery demonstrations and the fabulous wines of Bordeaux . It ’ s planned to cater for every taste and budget and I hope this will be the first of many .
For now my kitchen is calling ! Best as ever Chef Askew
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