Mersey Life June 2021 | Page 6

Making the decision to separate or divorce is difficult for everyone . It is important to know you have an experienced lawyer on your side to ensure you achieve the best possible outcome .

Untying the knot ?

Making the decision to separate or divorce is difficult for everyone . It is important to know you have an experienced lawyer on your side to ensure you achieve the best possible outcome .
At Hill Dickinson , we focus on the issues that really matter to you . We are well known for combining our sharp negotiation and technical excellence with deep understanding . We provide a service that is not only professional and straightforward but also compassionate .
Ranked band 1 for family / matrimonial work in Liverpool by legal directory
Chambers and Partners 2021
For expert , confidential advice please visit www . hilldickinson . com / family or contact :
Joanne Raisbeck + 44 ( 0 ) 151 600 8812 joanne . raisbeck @ hilldickinson . com