I have never really talked much about my own career in music , I suppose I never really rated myself as I always played with exceptional musicians .
I did , however , mention meeting Brian Jones , Alan Thompson and Ian Hunter at Tranmere Rovers Social Club in last month ’ s edition , so I will take the story up from there .
My band formed when I was just 15 . Some schoolteachers who were already on the music scene asked me to sing lead vocal for them . It was mainly rock and roll classics , something that sat very well with me . We rehearsed in the school music room and when the time was right , they sought permission from my parents for me to play at the weekends . Alan Burton was on bass , Jim Wright on guitar , Joe Conboy on guitar and Lance Cunningham on Drums . Chris Hooker would play drums too and Brian Jones would guest on sax when he was home from touring . We would play venues like Caldy Rugby Club , Thornton Hough Tennis Club and later ventured onto the pub scene . I think we had a different name every time we went out , never settling on one permanently as I had dismissed Di and the Dynamics several times . Our set list was a mixture of rock and roll songs with T ’ Pau , Heart , Blondie , The Pretenders , The Eagles , Fleetwood Mac , Tina Turner etc . Those were the days hey ?
Our first guest appearance was in Birkenhead . The Band was The Touch , the pub was The Hamlet in Woodside and the atmosphere was electric . Connie Lush fronted the band , all in black with jewellery that jangled when she danced . Her voice was amazing and almost as powerful as her stage presence . Our band played in the interval to a total uninterested crowd but with encouragement from both Connie and her husband Terry . I actually want to die when I think about it as we were not worthy to clean their instruments , but I guess we all have to start somewhere ! I am still in ‘ touch ’ with them both today and still rate her as one of the best vocalists .
Legs Akimbo were another band that we guested with . I had been to see Legs a few times when Chris Farley and Roy Jones were still playing with them - they both ended up in Ibiza . Chris was a genius , so quick witted . His adult rendition of Thomas the Tank Engine stories were absolute classics . What a band and what fabulous musicians . I am pretty sure they played a pub set back off the road ... possibly called the Abbotsford ? Again , we would get up in their interval and Chris Hooker would stay to play for us on drums . I was five months pregnant with Jade at the time and there was always a joke about hot water and towels . I remember we opened with Sex Talk by T ’ Pau , and we would do five numbers in all . Alone by Heart was another but I don ’ t remember any more . Well , it was 35 years ago !
My favourite band to watch was The Cheats . They were a trio that sounded like an orchestra consisting of Kenny Parry , Billy Kinsley and Brian Rawlings . The only person that ever came close to Kenny vocally was Denny Bolton of Legs Akimbo and later Shout . Kenny was and in fact still is such a talent . He would pick songs because of their difficulty on guitar and then would lay the perfect vocal on top sometimes singing the guitar harmony . The combination of Kenny and Billy was unrivalled with their harmonies , their musicianship and their passion for their craft . I would get up and sing Hit Me with Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar , I ’ m Down by the Beatles or another rock and roll song with them when asked . Needless to say , I would jump at the chance to play with such professionals .
In 1999 , I bought The Buz Magazine and had eight fabulous years running the most successful music mag this side of the water . The Buz years are another story for another day so stay tuned …
My solo career launched in the 90 ’ s , and I worked across the North West in social clubs in between games of bingo of course ! Huge venues with high stages and electric curtains would be packed to the rafters and empty out as soon as the third bingo session was over ! As you were shown to your dressing room , the Club secretary would insist on no ‘ flashy lights or smoke ’. Although it was hard work , it gave me a good grounding and the opportunity to practice my show .
One such show was a comedy 70 ’ s show called Ziggy Sawdust . I absolutely adore glam rock so put together an act with Ziggy as the focal point . I would wear a silver suit with giant shoulder pads , massive platform boots , over the top makeup and would stand nearly six-foot playing air guitar - not for the faint hearted but I loved it !
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