Mersey Life January 2022 | Page 40

Tracking cheating spouses , lie detecting , finding hidden assets , missing people , insurance fraud , employees on the sick - ' It ' s all mission possible '.
Happy New Year to you ! My message to you this month is simple … DO NOT TAKE LAST YEARS PROBLEMS INTO THIS ONE .
It takes courage to stand up for yourself , stand up for your company or employer and stand up for your friends and family . Do this by contacting us on a confidential basis to see if we can get the answers for you to get you on the right track for 2022 .
In December , we had a last minute rush with enquiries regarding infidelity and the ‘ office party ’ due to people not knowing if parties were going to go ahead with the restrictions etc . The parties I went to were all a bit last minute with their organisation and a lot ended up as pub crawls . In one pub , whilst I was secretly filming someone , I was approached and offered drugs ! I declined the offer !
January is generally the quietest month for many businesses and this goes for my line of work too . The legal work is constant as people are still having to go to court with both criminal and family issues . I was on the Wirral this week working for a client who ’ s main concern was that his children , who live with his ex partner weren ’ t going to school . I really felt for him as his children weren ’ t taken to school all week due to their mothers alcohol abuse . All of our evidence was duly sent to the client who in turn forwarded it to social services .
Even though I was on Santa ’ s good list , I didn ’ t get any new bits of covert equipment , although this is largely due to my wife not knowing where to start with it all ( I think I have most things though ). My camera ' s have been put to good use this last month …
Picture the scene , it ’ s mid December and the husband says to his wife ‘ I ’ m going out with the lads from work this weekend and we are staying over ’. The wife ’ s immediate thoughts were ‘ ohhh eye ’. The wife then calls us and we have his every move under surveillance . In every lie there is an element of truth so we followed this male in towards Manchester City Centre but just before he got to the hotel he told his wife he was staying at , we had an unexpected diversion to an M & S Foodhall . That ’ s strange we thought , he parked his vehicle and in he went , with a trolley ! What ’ s going on we thought .
I walked into the shop after him and switched on a tiny covert camera . I filmed him selecting some items which included an M & S meal for two with an extra bottle of champagne and some chocolates . This job was not going to plan . He paid and loaded his vehicle with the shopping . He went to the hotel he told his wife he was staying at and even face timed her from there to prove he was there .
You guessed it … he was collected from the hotel by a female in her vehicle and together with the shopping , they went to a nearby apartment but of course we filmed them kissing even before they entered it .
When this gent returned home to his wife , he found his bags packed and once she showed him our footage , he was given his marching orders and no doubt spent Christmas in Manchester !
Like this male , most liars and cheats will go to great , well planned lengths to cover what they are up to so whether you suspect cheating , stealing , drug abuse , child neglect or have any concerns at all either in home or even in your company that you think surveillance would be beneficial please give us a call on 01244 961766 or send a text to 07521 351164 .
What people don ’ t realise is that we too go to great lengths to catch liars using our cameras and listening devices . Only last night I was stood with my back to someone I was following but I had placed a listening device inside my hood . They were completely oblivious to the fact that I managed to record the whole conversation .
When I was in the Police I was once told , the way to catch a thief is to think like a thief and I apply this rule to my new line of work . To catch a cheat you have to think like one !
Please , please , please in 2022 , rid your mind of concerns and worries .
It ’ s great for your mental and physical health so let us at Trojan Investigations kick start your 2022 with success , determination and with a focus on you and nothing else . 01244 961766 .
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