Mersey Life Issue 16 | Page 63




By Charlotte Forde
You may have heard of ‘ Hybrid ’ more often recently with hybrid jobs and hybrid cars becoming more popular , but what is hybrid fitness training and what are the benefits ?
Hybrid fitness training combines two or more different styles of exercise that compliment each other whilst challenging the participant . By working large muscle groups dynamically , it helps build strength ; improves conditioning and increases endurance . The body can easily plateau if you use the same rep range and set of exercises , as your body adapts your progress gradually slows down therefore , with a varied programme like an effective hybrid training plan you will continue to get stronger , fitter and achieve your goals quicker . It is usual that you may skip training if you don ’ t feel like you have enough time to fit in an effective workout but by adding hybrid training into your schedule you can have an efficient workout anywhere , with minimal equipment in a reduced amount of time by exploring the best of both worlds with a combination of cardio and resistance exercise .
# 1 HYBRID TRAINING CAN HELP AVOID YOUR BODY PLATEAUING When you follow the same routine when exercising it is easy for your body to adapt and for you to see less results despite you doing all of the right things . You may eat healthy , drink plenty of water , exercise regularly and sleep well , however if you do not evolve and challenge your body ' s strength and endurance then the chances are you will plateau and your body shape and / or fitness will be maintained . By varying your exercise routine your body will go into shock making it less easy to adapt and you will also decrease boredom by switching up your routine ; it can be really fun to create exercise combinations when you become more familiar with hybrid training .
# 2 GREAT RESULTS IN LESS AMOUNT OF TIME Because Hybrid training consists of advanced exercises that help work as many muscles as possible in multiple ranges , your heart rate and calorie burn increase , meaning that hybrid training can be just as effective as cardio or strength training alone . By performing hybrid exercises in a circuit style this can also boost post workout metabolism and the after burn effect and therefore you will burn more calories giving you better long term results in a shorter period of time .
# 3 IMPROVES CORE STABILITY Core stability is one of the most important components when designing fitness programmes and taking into consideration technique , posture and balance . As hybrid training combines a series of moves and exercises that require a smooth and swift transition , you will find yourself working unilaterally more often than not . In turn , this requires you to engage your core in order to maintain stability throughout your workout . The more your core works , the stronger your foundation is for balance , strength and injury prevention .
# 4 IMPROVES OVERALL PERFORMANCE Regardless of your goals , due to the nature of hybrid training , it is more than likely going to benefit you in one way or another i . e . if your goal is to gain speed or endurance , by adding strength training into your routine you will gain more power in your muscles to accelerate faster and maintain a higher speed for a longer duration ; if your goal is to reduce body fat , high repetitions and low weight ( endurance ) and low repetitions and high weight ( strength ) can develop a more toned physique by building muscle and burning fat . By working in several heart rate zones , hybrid training will also make your heart stronger leading to improved overall fitness which will enhance your performance .
# 5 NUTRITION WHEN HYBRID TRAINING To support your muscles and energy levels when hybrid training it is important that you fuel your body in the right way through the correct sources , meaning a consumption of protein and carbohydrates in your calorie intake . As you will be gaining muscle mass your calorie expenditure will increase therefore , it is likely you will end up in a calorie deficit . If you can plan your diet and consume the correct nutrients you can really get the most from your training programme . It is ideal to fuel your body with carbohydrates prior and during training to provide energy , whilst protein will help maintain and build quality muscle and supply a significant amount of calories to reduce recovery time post training .
N . B . Hybrid training is an intense style of training and should not be done more than 3 times per week or on consecutive days unless you have already been consistently following a programme of similar intensity and allow for appropriate rest and recovery . If it has been a while since you have exercised and / or you have health issues or concerns , please consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine .
If you would like a personalised exercise programme email : train @ ellavatefitness . com or text 07523 843911 to book in for your free assessment using code MERSEYLIFE . merseylife . com 63