Merriweather Global Ministries merriweather magazine | Page 7
The fact that God is all-knowing (omniscient) is significant to the concept of prayer. If God
were limited, then He would not know all that is happening in His creation. If this were the
case, He might overlook our prayers because they might be beyond His knowledge.
Fortunately, the Bible is clear that God knows everything (see, for instance, Psalm 139:2-4;
147: 4-5; Isaiah 46:10). In relation to God's omniscience, Jesus said, "Your Father knows
what you need before you ask him" (Matthew 6:8).
God is also wise and holy. He knows what is best for us, as well as what will lead us to
holiness rather than sin. He is also immanent, meaning that God is active in His creation in
a personal way, not only directing greater matters of history, but also involved in the life of
everyone. This means that no prayer is too great for Him, but also that no prayer is too
small for Him.
So as we journey together in understanding the nature and purpose of prayer, it is my
prayer that God will instill a joyful and fruitful prayer life in your life and mine because
prayer can make a profound difference in our world. But, it is up to us to offer our prayers
humbly and daily to God.