Merri Health Annual Report 2023_Final_WEB | Page 70

Queer affirming counselling
Q Health is a free counselling and support service for LGBTIQA + people to talk about their alcohol and other drug ( AOD ) use in a confidential , non-judgemental , and queer affirming space .
Staffed by LGBTIQA + identifying professionals , it ’ s part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQA + people in our communities .
Over the past year , demand for Q Health ’ s queer affirming service has increased . This year we focused on providing safe and inclusive support for neurodivergent people and sourcing extra funding to meet demand .
What did we achieve ?
29 new LGBTIQA + consumers entered the Q Health program
250 + episodes of support delivered , exceeding our target
hosted a counselling student from the Australian College of Applied Professions on a very positive six-month student placement
“ I am trans . Merri has never judged me , always addressed me using my pronouns and never ever looked at me differently .
It makes me feel valued and safe .”
secured funding for a psychosocial program from North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network ( NWMPHN ) to focus on the intersection of mental health , AOD use and neurodivergence within LGBTIQA + communities
involved in the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association ’ s Sex , Sexuality and Gender Diverse Alcohol and Other Drug Worker ’ s Network
keeping wait times to a minimum as service demand increases is becoming a challenge . We aim to keep our wait times down by using an active holding model , which provides short term practical support to clients while they ’ re on the wait list for ongoing support . Our newly NWMPHNfunded psychosocial program will also help to address support needs for some clients
increased demand also makes it difficult to refer consumers to other support services in a timely fashion
What ’ s next ?
– LGBTIQA + consumer
additional funding to ensure that we can concentrate on supporting LGBTIQA + communities with neurodivergence and / or mental health issues who also need help with AOD
continuing to provide quality services and advocacy for LGBTIQA + people
Connecting queer carers through Rainbow Crew
We partnered with the Carer Gateway Consortia , Alfred Health Carer Services and Uniting Carer Services to launch Rainbow Crew in March 2022 .
Rainbow Crew connects LGBTIQA + carers through monthly catchups online or in-person social events .
“ It ’ s great to be in a group with people who are both carers and queer , because we can all be really upfront and honest about how our lives are going , both in terms of our caring role and also just in terms of dealing with being queer in a world where not everyone is favourable towards queerness .”
– Liana , active Rainbow Crew member
The group is inclusive and provides emotional support , with space for everyone to share . It also allows members to create meaningful connections and make potential friendships .
68 Advocacy and support for at-risk communities