“ Notable awards over the past 12 months include a winner at the
Victorian Early Years Awards and Gold in the Australasian Reporting
Awards for our 2022 Annual Report .”
Julie McCormack Board Chair
Tassia Michaleas CEO
We thank her and all our Directors , Sub-Committee and Community Representatives for their active service , deep commitment and tremendous contribution to the stewardship of the organisation .
We were pleased to welcome Kenneth Cheng , who was appointed to the role of Specialist Director Legal in September 2022 .
Strategic oversight , environmental sustainability and cyber security have been key focus points for the Board . We continue to invest heavily in these areas to ensure the security and protection of our systems and information , and the privacy of our clients .
The Board has set an agenda to take stock of the environment , social and governance factors to evaluate the sustainability and ethical impact of Merri Health ’ s operations .
Our people
We would like to acknowledge our resilient and dedicated people . Without their leadership and commitment none of the great work and outcomes we support for individuals and communities would be possible .
Our team is innovative and has the courage and energy to push boundaries so we can continue to grow and reach more communities .
Our people are also highly engaged as evidenced by the latest employee engagement survey which saw engagement increase by 10 % to 70 %, and 83 % of employees report that Merri is a ‘ truly great place to work ’. This year we also held our first in-person all staff conference with 300 + employees , and 98 % reporting increased organisational knowledge .
It would be remiss not to thank our fantastic community representatives and volunteers , who are integral to Merri ’ s success and give their time in a wide range of roles . In particular we would like to acknowledge our Board of Directors for their ongoing support and efforts .
We are particularly proud that Merri Health was a finalist for the 2022 Victorian Premier ’ s Primary Health Service of the Year Award in recognition of our vast and enhanced service offerings . It was heartwarming to see our staff efforts for innovative , client-centered , quality service provision recognised .
Other notable awards over the past 12 months include a winner at the Victorian Early Years Awards and Gold in the Australasian Reporting Awards for our 2022 Annual Report .
Furthermore , Merri continues to be recognised as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency .
Into the future
Mental health , aged care , carer services and environmental sustainability occupy our sphere of thinking and focus into the immediate future .
We look to the future with enthusiasm , ready to tackle increased client complexity , compliance and regulatory requirements . Merri Health is an agile , resilient and well-resourced organisation poised to confront the challenges and grasp the opportunities of an ever-evolving future .
Ethical decision making across all spheres of our operations is a key consideration as we mature and continue to be a learning organisation .
After a nine-year term as a Director including 2 years as Board Chair we farewelled Julie McCormack in August as her term came to an end .
Julie has been a strong advocate for community health services . Committed and dedicated , she has championed clinical governance , and mentored and supported new Directors as they have come on to the Board . We acknowledge and thank Julie for her efforts and contribution , and wish her well . Tassia
Tassia Michaleas Chief Executive Officer
Julie McCormack Chair
Merri Health Annual Report 2023 05