Merri Health Annual Report 2023_Final_WEB | Page 61

Leading elder abuse prevention in the North and West
We continued to lead the Elder Abuse Prevention Networks ( EAPNs ) for the northern and western metropolitan regions .
Together we work to prevent and respond to elder abuse through awareness campaigns , advocacy , community and service provider education .
What did we achieve ?
led Elder Abuse Prevention Networks ( EAPNs ) in the northern and western metropolitan regions , supporting 109 members across 74 organisations
supported World Elder Abuse Awareness Day :
– 2,000 people reached via social media campaign
– 100 showbags shared for members of the western EAPN to support community members
– 37 community members engaged through event and quiz
improved collaboration practices at our bi-monthly network meeting to encourage information sharing and connect professionals across the sector
commenced development of an age inclusivity website audit tool to ensure older people can access information they need and aren ’ t excluded from services
Where can we improve ?
working with industry partners to ensure the elder abuse response system gaps are filled
What ’ s next ?
continuing our work as the Victorian Government has committed further funding to the Elder Abuse Prevention Networks through to July 2027
trialling the age inclusivity website audit tool internally with the goal of sharing learnings across the EAPNs to improve practice across the Regions
Merri Health ’ s Karen Edwards with community member at World Elder Abuse Awareness Day event .
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