funding extended by the NWPHN until July 2024 in recognition of its innovation and effectiveness .
developed a Chronic Pain Peer Support Group in partnership with the Australian Pain Management Association ( APMA ) to support people completing CPS
collaborated with GPs , private clinics , tertiary hospitals , NWMPHN , and other community organisations to share information and support referrals
Where can we improve ?
increasing targeted communication and engagement with GPs and stakeholders in LGAs with lower referral rates
recruitment of allied health and psychology positions remains challenging . We reviewed our position descriptions and used social media advertising platforms to address this
What ’ s next ?
continuing to work with the NWMPHN on funding opportunities
Preventing diabetes with education
An estimated one in 20 people in Merri-bek live with diabetes . By providing diabetes information sessions to our community , we raise awareness of the risk factors and strategies to delay or prevent type 2 diabetes .
This year we partnered with Merri-bek libraries and neighbourhood houses to deliver sessions in different locations to reach as many people as possible . Run by a multidisciplinary team , they provide practical tips for consumers to maintain a healthy lifestyle .
What did we achieve ?
4 workshops delivered
87.5 % of participants said they better understand how to reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes
77 % of participants said they better understand the risks of type 2 diabetes
87.5 % of participants agreed the session was a positive step towards a healthier lifestyle
3 attendees from the sessions registered with Merri Health and began accessing our services
Where can we improve ?
stronger marketing to reach more people who might benefit from these sessions
we recognised that holding information sessions at our sites was a barrier to community accessibility , so we partnered with neighbourhood houses and saw a rise in attendance
What ’ s next ?
delivering four sessions next year in priority locations , including Glenroy and Fawkner Neighbourhood Houses
reviewing referral data to track participants who access our services after attending a diabetes session
communicating with GPs to raise awareness of the information sessions
creating a diabetes clinic for the community further building referral pathways with tertiary hospital partners
running a monthly peer support group with a trained facilitator who graduated from our program
facilitating more education talks for peer support groups , in partnership with APMA
presenting our work at an education seminar for GPs to increase awareness and referrals
“ This program is amazing and has been life changing . This isn ’ t common knowledge and nothing I could find on Google could teach me what I learnt through this program . I am very grateful for this opportunity .”
– CPS participant
“ It was very effective ! It has greatly helped me in managing my stress and anxiety related to pain , and as a consequence reduced the pain itself .”
– CPS participant
Merri Health Annual Report 2023 47