Building the foundations for a happy family life together : OLIVIA AND ABDUL ’ S STORY
Olivia Gao and Abdul Motraje learned about the Family Foundations program on social media , and joke that it probably saved their marriage .
The program gave the pair some useful tools and support for navigating life ’ s new challenges , and helped them feel less alone .
They had been together for six years and married for nearly four , but the arrival of a baby and the transition into parenthood , in a new city with no family support , was stressful .
“ We had a very strong relationship before the baby came . I never anticipated that things would change so much when we had a baby ,” says Olivia . “ We went being so close to all of a sudden feeling so tired and far apart . Even basic things like eating dinner together and sleeping together – gone . We turned on each other because we didn ’ t have anyone else to turn on .”
“ We were able to bring all our issues into the sessions . Taking part was a good challenge for me , because it pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me start exploring new areas in myself and our relationship ,” says Abdul .
“ It was very nice to have some outside direction when entering unfamiliar territory . The dark side of parenting is ignored or not really talked about in the community , but we quickly realised other couples were having similar experiences .”
Making friends with other new parents was an unexpected bonus . Both would recommend the course to others .
You really have nothing to lose by taking part ,” says Abdul . “ It ’ s free , and you can take your baby along with you . It has made a huge and positive difference in our marriage and growing family .”
Merri Health Annual Report 2023 43