About this report
This annual report provides a summary of our operational and financial performance during the 2022-23 financial year .
Merri Health Carer Gateway Consumer Advisory Committee members .
It highlights how we work to create healthy , connected communities through high quality health services that respond to community needs .
It also contains information about our organisation , how it ’ s structured , our Board of Directors , governance , actions and achievements in :
workplace wellbeing and development
partnerships with consumers
better health through quality and safe services
advocacy and support for diversity and inclusion
Better health through partnerships and prevention
This year ’ s report celebrates positive health outcomes for individuals , communities and a stronger health system through our commitment to partnering with consumers and organisations to deliver innovative health prevention programs and quality , safe , health and social care services that respond to local needs .
How do we put this information together ?
Teams across the organisation contribute to this report , guided by statutory requirements and Merri Health ’ s priority areas in our strategic directions .
We review the report with our Board , leadership team , staff , clients and community members to ensure that it is correct , easy to understand and informative .
Where to find this report
This report can be found at each of our sites ( see page 77 ) and on our website : merrihealth . org . au
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