Merri Health Annual Report 2023_Final_WEB | Page 19


More people stay healthy and live independently through the care provided by community health services .
For 50 years , registered community health services have been responding to the needs of Victorian communities , supporting millions of people with high quality , high impact services .
This year , all 24 registered independent community health services across Victoria united to launch Community Health First ( CHF ). It demonstrates the vital role of community health in delivering world class critical healthcare and reducing the burden on hospitals and GPs through :
Reaching the most disadvantaged
Prioritise access for those who need it most .
Strong community connection
Better support that responds to local needs right where people live and work .
Relationshipbased care
Build connections with all kinds of people to help them lead healthy lives .
Upstream investment in health prevention
Health promotion programs set people up for better health , reducing unnecessary hospital admissions and medical costs .
Clinical capabilities
High-quality primary care and multidisciplinary clinical services that keep people healthy and out of emergency waiting rooms .
Being agile and responsive
We find innovative ways to address the social determinants of health through strong partnerships .
What did we achieve ?
partnered with all 24 registered independent Victorian community health organisations to launch CHF at Parliament
collaborated with partners to publish Strengthening Victoria ’ s Health System through Community Health position paper , outlining five priorities to improve our health system :
1 . a cost-effective and betterfunded system that can keep people healthy and well in their communities
2 . a trusted community health model that is consistent and responsive to local needs
3 . an elevated role for community health to ensure holistic care that treats the person , not just the condition
4 . accessible , affordable and quality care for everyone , especially vulnerable groups and regional and rural communities
5 . every person has the skills , resources and supportive environment to achieve their full potential
What ’ s next ?
collaborating with partners to provide innovative , responsive , accessible local services
continuing to demonstrate the impact of community health and advocate for more Government funding

500,000 + people receive support from community health services annually

10,000 people employed by registered community health services

Community health leaders at Parliament launched Community Health First .
Merri Health Annual Report 2023 17