Merri Health 2022 Annual Report | Page 49

Meaningful involvement from consumers in decisionmaking about their health care and treatment leads to more effective health services , and improved health outcomes .
What did we achieve ?
completed our third full year of organisation-wide community engagement reporting
459 engagement activities recorded , involving thousands of consumers and community members
enhanced reporting to include ‘ key learnings ’ for teams to build knowledge
21 activities co-designed with 1023 consumers / community members , up 14.6 % on the year prior and 29 activities empowered 321 people , up 8.7 %
produced an inclusive language guide to assist teams guide positive engagement
40 staff received codesign training in partnership with Impacto Consulting
developed a custom online training module to be made available to all staff
partnered with the Health Community Participation Network to deliver a series of workshops for consumers
Where can we improve ?
• reporting is not mandatory and unlikely to capture all activities
• limited resources delayed the completion and launch of our online learning module
What ’ s next
• reviewing reporting requirements and exploring adding impact measurement
• launching our online training for all new staff to build capacity and reporting
• delivering a series of short courses on specialised engagement methods
Growing our Consumer Participation Register ( CPR ) and establishing a Merri Health Consumer Advisory Committee were priorities this year .
The CPR is a database of consumers ( our clients , carers and family members ) who volunteer their time to help us improve our services . CPR participation fell during COVID-19 .
What did we achieve ?
grew the CPR by
50 %
consumers participated in :
– co-design workshops to improve our Be Well Live Well program
– providing interpreter services at at events
– reviewing consumer representative screening processes , promotion and recruitment materials
– providing advice on our phone line menu
– running events
held two in-person events for CPR members to strengthen connections with Merri and other consumer representatives
What ’ s next
• increasing promotion to grow our Consumer Participation Register by 20 members in 22 / 23
We were delighted to start the development of a Merri-wide Consumer Advisory Committee ( CAC ).
CAC members ( patients , carers and family members ) will partner with our teams to provide input , advice and feedback to improve our services and the client experience .
What did we achieve ?
recruited a Project Officer to coordinate the Consumer Advisory Committee ( CAC )
5 members recruited
developed and adapted screening , on-boarding and engagement processes in consultation with consumers
Where can we improve ?
• the committee launch was delayed as we did not secure enough members
• screening and vaccination requirements deterred potential members and we consulted closely with staff and consumers to reduce and streamline them
What ’ s next
• the committee will launch December 2022 and meet bimonthly
• identify key projects across the organisation for committee input
• evaluate the effectiveness and value for members and Merri Health in 2023