Meridian Life September/ October 2022 | Page 65

Avoid negative people around you
Positive mental health is essential for a healthy lifestyle . You don ' t need negative people around you . Nothing deteriorates one ' s mental health than allowing yourself to be surrounded by negative people . At any point you feel a person in your circle is negative , please let him or her out of your life . There is no gain in managing negative people . I understand , it can be difficult , and we have all encountered those people but taking necessary action is key to address the situation for your own peace . Life is just too short for that .
Trigger food ? Run !
Restrain yourself from trigger food . These are foods you can ' t seem to put out of your mind or ones you know you will over indulge .. Our trigger foods are different and differ from individuals . I remember years back when I was training a client , I discovered she couldn ’ t do without chocolate , her craving for it increased , and very soon she began to add weight . As she struggled to keep up with her gym appointment , one day , I asked her to take a second look at her cravings for chocolate consumption . I knew this was a no-no for her but I felt it necessary to bring it up . My client did do something about it and before long she got a handle on it , and back in shape . She now sees the payoff of her workouts and does not need to struggle with her gym appointments . Bad habits can be addictive , and very difficult to stop . However , to live right self-discipline and self-control is an absolute must and moderation is key .
Prepare your meals yourself This is another very important aspect of a healthy lifestyle . Unfortunately , we live in an era where our schedules seem not to be allowing us enough time for ourselves , as a result we are overly dependent on fast food , junk food and inorganic foods , we eat whatever comes out of convenience not whatever is vital . Make time to prepare your food , be in charge of what goes into your body . Good living is mostly about the quality of choices you made .
Eat more vegetables and fruits
This is a very tricky one . While eating vegetables and lots of fruits are traditionally advisable because of the amount of vitamins and mineral components essential for our health .
New studies are showing that some blood groups don ' t really do well with vegetables and fruits . For example , Blood Group 0 + can do very well with meat but do very poorly with vegetables . It is advised you find out from your personal physician what best works for you depending on your blood . Follow . Some traditional wisdom with a pinch of salt . Always seek for new knowledge and discoveries .
Quit smoking and alcohol
If you must live a healthy life , quit smoking now . Smoking affects your health negatively , that is a fact . Stop for your own good and the good of those around you . Drink less alcohol , it is best you drink in moderation if you drink at all .
God ' s plan for healthy lifestyle
The Bible is filled with so many examples of God ' s intention for man . Leviticus 11 and 14 has so much to say about what meat to eat and not to eat . Moses gave the Israelites many health laws . The generation before Noah lived longer than the generation before it . It is said that the generation before Noah ate more vegetables and beans . Their eating without any modicum of doubt accounted for their extraordinary longevity . But immediately man started depending too much on meat , the average life span reduced drastically
Even with meat , God was still very selective . No wonder God instructed Noah to save certain types of animal before that generation was destroyed by flood . If it had could fly or swim and came from the ground , you can be safe with that choice .
Kim Monsour is a professional health and wellness consultant , health coach and personal trainer . She can be reached at KimMonsour @ gmail . com or Optimal WellnessLLC @ gmail . com www . meridianstar . com
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