Dr . Ronnye Purvis holds baby Denver . Grandmother Lesia Bruno , right , was a patient of Purvis back in 1995 when he delivered Denver ’ s mom , Tori , on left .
Story by Glenda Sanders & Photos by Shanna Barnett
Some babies have grown up to be pharmacists , physicians and physical therapists . Others have become engineers , athletes , singers and Harvard graduates . There have been lots of twins and three sets of triplets , and all are connected by one man , Dr . Ronnye Purvis , whose career as an OB / GYN physician spans more than three decades .
These days , it is not surprising when he delivers the baby of a baby he delivered earlier in his career .
“ Every time I see him regardless of where I am , he calls me by name . He makes you feel like you are the only patient he has ,” said Union resident Lesia Bruno who first started going to Purvis years ago because of a change in her insurance provider .
“ I didn ’ t know how that was going to be , but from the minute I stepped foot in his office , I knew he was going to be my doctor . He is so kind ,” she said .
Purvis delivered her daughter , Tori Harrison , on Aug . 11 , 1995 . Then last month on April 4 , he delivered Harrison ’ s son , Denver .
Harrison said she never considered using any other OB / GYN other than Dr . Purvis .
“ Mamma has always talked about how precious he is ,” she said . “ The first time I ever went to him , he made me feel so comfortable .”
Like herself , Harrison said Purvis also delivered her best friend and her baby , too .
His relaxed manner , soft spoken voice , keen sense of humor and attentiveness to his patients are what have attracted two generations of patients to him . “ Every single time I see him , he remembers everything about me and everything about our family . Like , my dad had a heart attack several years ago and he remembers every single year to ask me about him and ask me about my mamma ,” Harrison said . “ He is just so sweet and he says ‘ alright kiddo do you need anything or are you feeling okay .’”
Purvis , 66 , grew up in the 1960s in Milwaukee , Wisconsin . His mother , Hattie Mae Purvis , worked as a ward secretary at a children ’ s hospital . His father , Walter , was a bar tender .
Growing up Catholic , Purvis was recruited as a high schooler , along with other inner city youths , to integrate the Jesuit boarding school Campion High School in Prairie due Chien , Wisconsin .
Dr . Ronnye Purvis holds Denver Harrison , who was born April 4 and is the son of Tori and Alex Harrison of Union . Purvis also delivered mom Tori in 1995 .
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