Meridian Life August 2022 | Page 50



Cool drinks for a hot summer

It ’ s been a little while but , here we are and socialization is on the upswing . So , let ’ s talk having a drink — as the days have got longer and much , much warmer . I ’ m going to start with wines and the summer standards are the norm . I have always enjoyed a rose ’ that ’ s pretty chilled and served in a glass with a stem . I still have friends and neighbors who like their stemless glass , but it ’ s there for a reason . You ’ re not handling the bowl , the wine is — so it doesn ’ t warm the wine . There , I said it ! I ’ m not a fan of stemless glasses and it ’ s because of that reason alone . You can even chill the glass before serving if you like .

The rose ’ I ’ m most partial too is most European styles : a Cote de Provence ’ from France or Spanish . The Italian styles are great also but , lighter . Remember that Italian wines are all made to be drunk with food . And , as much so that the just sit down and have a glass begs for a bit of small plates of snacks as you partake of the lovely pink liquid .
The Spanish and French rose ’ are much more of a “ Hey honey , pour me some rose ’ and come sit with me on the porch ” thing . A great end of your work day with a start of the relaxing evening . What more could you ask for ? “ Hey honey , just bring the bottle !”
To those sweeter side of the glass , just look to the Italian pink Moscatos or a good sangria made with a dry rose ’. There are several
styles on the market and most are really good quality . A dear friend of mine takes Roscato red and adds strawberry soda to it and it satisfies her sweet needs . And yes , you can add juice or soda to your wine . It ’ s called a spritzer . You can even add ice , if it makes you happy .
A great summer cocktail of late has been an aperol spritz . Now , this is to your taste because aperol is an Italian liquor that is called a “ bitters .” It ’ s made from Seville oranges and the whole skins remain and this makes it slightly bitter — hence the name . Traditional is half aperol and half prosecco .
I also like a great top shelf Margarita . There are different fruit versions out there and in the premixed market . In Veracruz , Mexico , — which is one of the homes of authentic Mexican cuisine — the favorite margarita is red grapefruit and hibiscus flavored . Man , they are awesome ! Because there are so many different recipes , I suggest you search the Internet . Like I said , hundreds of different concoctions to choose from on the www ( World Wide Web ).
If you want it authentic , you should look for hibiscus flowers in syrup . Caters Market carries these and there are many uses for these delicious little blooms . Just add one to a glass of sparkling wine , like a Asti Spumanti . Talking about yummy ! That has the light summer kinda thing going on all over .
Enjoy the rest of your summer and be safe . Try and stay healthy , for your own self . Cheers !
• M . Kevin Brooks is manager of The Corkscrew Wine & Spirits in North Hills .