Meridian Life August 2022 | Page 27

IN EVERY ISSUE similarly colored and totally harmless “ false coral snakes ” the red and yellow rings are separated by black (“ red touches black , friend of Jack ”). Coral snakes inhabit sandy pinewoods in the Southeastern counties of Mississippi . They are secretive and generally uncommon , even rare . Specimens are usually active in the daytime and often turn up in yards and gardens of houses situated near suitable habitat . While deadly in nature , coral snakes inhabiting Mississippi are quite inoffensive .
Most snakes feed on rodents primarily so if you have a rat snake hanging around your barn or your garage , you have mice or rats around . Snakes will also eat birds and eggs and are good climbers except for vipers .
Cottonmouth snakes , copperhead snakes , and rattlesnakes are all part of the Crotalinae family of snakes , also known as “ pit vipers ;” their stocky bodies make it difficult for them to climb up smoother surfaces like brick walls . It ’ s not that they cannot climb , it ’ s just that it ’ s not easy for them as it is a slender rat snake . These venomous snakes are also the ones that pose a potential threat to humans and animal pets .
Human encounters with snakes most often occur when people are reaching under or to pick up and move objects in their yards . In the U . S ., 85 % of bites that are reported are to the hands and fingers and of these bites , 57 % of these happened because someone was handling the snake . Interestingly , most snake bites happen to males between the ages of 17-27 — over half of which , the person bitten was intoxicated .
Are we getting the picture here ? Snakes get blamed for a lot of human irresponsibility . Mosquitos kill more people worldwide than snakes do . We average about 7,500 snake bites in the U . S . annually and these bites kill five people . Mosquitos on the other hand carry several deadly diseases and kill upwards of 800,000 people worldwide every year .
The most poisonous snake in the US is the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake . It has a 30 % mortality rate if bitten and it is listed as # 23 on the poisonous snake likes worldwide and it still can ’ t touch the mosquito on the scale of dangerous . In fact , honeybee and wasp stings kill 60 plus people per year and lightning strikes claim on average 35 lives per year which is 20 times more people than all rattlesnake bites combined . So , for all their bad reputation , snakes really are not much of a threat , and you are better off to leave them alone than confront them .
One of the best things you can do it BE AWARE that snakes are around . Before you reach under a log or limb to move it , shift things with a shovel . Wear hiking style boots with long pants when you are going to be out in snake territory like hikes and nature walks . Did you know that only 13 % of snake bites in the U . S . occur on the feet or legs ? It is rare for a person to be bitten above the ankle despite what we see in movies .
Keep your yard cut and open . Remove brush piles and debris that attracts insects and rodents – anything that attracts mice will attract snakes . Snakes like to hide under and through tall grass . They do not like to be exposed to the open where they can be killed by a bird . Snakes are very shy and try to avoid being seen . They really do not like cats . If you have cats , you will rarely see a snake around because the cats compete for rodents and the cats harass them making their hunting unsuccessful . Bottom line – keeping your yard clean and free of debris is paramount in limiting snake habitat . If they don ’ t have places to hide , they will not hang around .
Another option for keeping snakes out of your yard and garden is snake repellants . Snake repellents , combined with
proper landscape maintenance , help people and snakes avoid unwanted encounters . Repellents use scent or sound to create an uncomfortable environment for snakes . Ortho Snake B Gon is a popular granular odorized product . There are home remedies for snake repellent also that can be found . One common recipe is a 50-50 mix of salt and crushed garlic .
You need to consider the hazards of snake repellents before buying chemical or commercial repellants . Some scent-based snake repellents have active ingredients that are harmful to people or pets that come into direct contact with them . They may also have a potent aroma , making it unpleasant to be in the area . Some products are best suited for small spaces or indoor use , while others are best for large outdoor areas .
When shopping for a snake repellent , consider these features to determine which product will best suit your situation . Odor strength , not “ stinkiness ,” is the key to success . Some of the best products use pleasant fragrances like cinnamon and clove . The best scent-based snake repellents have higher concentrations of active ingredients , so they work better and last longer . Some common plants that can be planted around your garden borders to keep snakes out are marigolds , lemon grass and garlic .
There is also snake-proof fencing that is useful for smaller yards and your chicken coops if snakes are a problem in your area . Snakes cannot climb or penetrate the tight mesh wire , and this also helps keep critters out like racoons and weasels . Snakes are beneficial members of the environment and help keep rodent and damaging insect populations down .
Most snakes are harmless to humans and pets and are simply passing through looking for a meal . If you keep your yard and your sheds inhospitable to them , they will keep moving .
If you would like to have a snake identified or have questions about snakes , you can email me at smh964 @ msstate . edu .
• Shani Hay is an agent with the Mississippi State University- Extension Service , Lauderdale County . You may contact her by email at smh964 @ msstate . edu or by calling 601-482-9764 . www . meridianstar . com
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