Meridian Life April 2023 | Page 26

Blackberry Season

Tips on establishing and growing the berries at home

By Shani Hay
Planting and establishing blackberries in your home garden probably brings memories of scratched up arms as a kid and endless pruning and trellising of vines .
But with new varieties available , gone are the days of thorns and trellises .
Home plantings of improved cultivars of blackberries offer high-quality fruit and ease of harvesting without the inconvenience of pests found in wild blackberries . I don ’ t know if you have priced berries in the grocery store , but they are more expensive than filet mignon !
Although trailing types will grow here , the erect or upright blackberry is the most popular type grown in Mississippi because they require little or no trellising .
Blackberries can tolerate many soil types but grow best in full sun and well-drained soil . The most suitable soils are high in organic matter and have a pH of 6.0 – 6.5 . Sandy loam or loam soils are best .
Blackberries can be grown on sandy soils if a good irrigation system is used . In general , their root systems do not tolerate wet soils . Avoid clayey , poorly drained soils .
Raised beds are recommended for locations with poorly drained soils or in areas prone to flooding . Using raised beds with consistent irrigation produce the best results with berries . Another option is to grow them in large containers .
Blackberries are self-fertile , so there is no need to plant multiple cultivars unless desired . Bees are the primary pollinators , so encourage their activity as much as possible .
Establish blackberries in late February or early March by planting plants or root cuttings . Container-grown blackberry plants are more expensive , but these will also grow well .
For commercial plantings , bare-root plants are the most common . Root cuttings are collected from healthy plants during the dormant season . They should be four to seven inches long and one-eighth to one-half-inch thick .
Space the root cuttings or plants two feet apart within rows that are 10 – 12 feet apart to form a hedgerow . Place the root cuttings one to two inches deep in well-prepared soil .
Fertilize the plants one month after planting with 10-10-10 or 13-13-13 and again in late June ( using 5.5 pounds per 100 feet of row in a two-foot band ). Increase the fertilizer rate the next year to 11.5 pounds per 100 feet of row applied in February and 5.5 pounds per 100 feet in June .
Spread the fertilizer evenly over a two-foot band . In following years , use 11 pounds of fertilizer per 100 feet in March and 5.5 pounds of fertilizer per 100 feet of row immediately after harvest , evenly applied over a 3-foot band .
In the first growing season , canes from erect blackberries will be semi-erect or almost trailing . Keep them within the row area since they will produce fruit the next year .
New canes produced in the second and later years will be erect and need to be topped at three to four feet in June to encourage lateral branching . Vigorous plants may require topping two to four times . Prune hedgerows to a width of three to four feet .
Blackberry canes are biennial . Vegetative canes develop the first year , bear fruit the second year , and die after fruiting . Fruiting canes must be removed after harvest .
New canes from the roots will replace these canes . The new canes will have fruit the following year .
Growers sometimes mow plants to ground level immediately after harvest and then dispose of all mowed plant material . A longer growing season in southern Mississippi allows time for growth of new canes in summer and fall .
Annual mowing may weaken the plants so a two-to-threeyear mowing rotation may prove satisfactory . Frequent mowing may result in fewer disease problems and fewer dead canes in a row . Less frequent mowing can produce higher yields .
Rosette or double blossom , a fungal disease , is a significant factor limiting blackberry production in Mississippi . No thorny cultivar is immune to this disease , and it must be controlled by a spray and cultural program .
Eradication of wild blackberries aids in control . Thornless cultivars have some tolerance to the disease . Other pest and abiotic issues include cane borers , spotted wing drosophila fruit fly and white drupelet disorder . See your local county MSU Extension office for more information on specific pest control options .
Shani Hay is a Extension Agent I with Mississippi State University ’ s Extension Service in Newton County .