Meridian Life April 2023 | Page 2


MERIDIAN LIFE Connecting East Mississippi and West Alabama

EDITOR Glenda Sanders
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Thomas Howard Glenda Sanders Cheryl Owens
Inga Bass Glenda Sanders
Meridian Life is published six times a year .
Annual subscriptions are $ 24 .
814 22nd Ave . Meridian , MS 39301
To advertise in Meridian Life , please email advertising @ themeridianstar . com
To submit letters , editorial content or pictures , please send to the address above or email gsanders @ themeridianstar . com
To purchase a subscription , email class02 @ themeridianstar . com or call 601-693-1551 .
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Meridian Life can be found online at www . meridianstar . com
Spring is a time for renewal and new growth . It is a promise of new life that comes bursting forth with the first bunches of golden daffodils along fence rows or the lush green canopies of new leaves budding on trees or the early morning chorus from young songbirds .
I like to think of spring as a reset moment with winter ’ s cold , dark days behind us . Spring promises us not only warmer days to come but also the gift of endless possibilities on the horizon .
As with the renewal that accompanies springtime , Meridian Life magazine is also going through a rebirth of sorts .
I would like to introduce myself as the new editor of the magazine . A native of north Mississippi , which I have heard some of you say makes me a Yankee , I have lived in Meridian for the past 22 years . My husband , a local pharmacist , was born and raised here . Both of our daughters have gone through the county school system . This is actually my second tour of living in the Queen City . I worked as a reporter at The Meridian Star many , many years ago fresh out of Ole Miss , where I earned my bachelor ’ s degree in journalism .
I have been a contributing writer to the magazine for the past few years , and I am looking forward to my new role as editor . Like with Spring , I see the gift of endless possibilities when it comes to people , places and events I would like to see featured in the magazine . Meridian is home to a lot of people we find interesting , and we hope you will , too .
As with any renewal , there are always growing pains . You will notice a few changes over the next couple of issues as we work through a few design elements and take a look at our content to try to determine what you , our readers , find the most enjoyable . Please feel free to email me at gsanders @ themeridianstar . com with your thoughts on your favorite sections of the magazine or suggestions for new content .
I am sure you have heard the old cliché that everybody has a story to tell . We at Meridian Life look forward to discovering those stories and sharing them with you , our readers .
Glenda Sanders Editor