Meredith Events Volume I | Page 81

also know I'm telling you what you already know.

There are huge changes on the horizon. Both to the economic sector and to the stability of earth's ecosystem. What is most important is that you set aside enough time for two things, just for you: (1) Sufficient cardio excercise to get yourself a good dose of endorphins and (2) that you set aside even just 20 minutes for "you" time for meditation and deep breathing - where nothing outside of you matters. Keep a journal of your private thoughts concerning the stupidity of outmoded systems, but please do not become cynical.

One of my greatest loves, D. H. Lawrence once said "One could laugh at the world better if it didn't mix tender kindliness with its brutality."

Keep your focus, and do not get caught in this madness. Bide your time, and keep healthy. Watch and plan. It may be up to ten years before you get to hold the reins; but if you're clever, you'll ride.


Dear Ly,

I started a business about two years ago, and things got off to a rocky start. I reevaluated what I was doing and decided to concentrate on more creative pursuits that accommodated my interests and passions despite what others were advising me to do.

Although I lost some partnerships in the process, I am immensely happier in myself and my business. However, I still deal with judgement by others, and hear criticism from time to time due to my decisions. How do I drown out the negativity and nay-sayers; so that I can stay focused on this path that in my heart I know was right for me all along?



Dear Concerned,

You are no use to anyone miserable. There is also magic in what you write, and the way you have written to me is laden with a deep anxiety and a tad of false arrogance because yes, what people think and say matters. That's us as a species. If it's your creditors criticising you, well . . . that's a thing to sort out. If it's friends and loved ones? Hold a dinner party. Secretly plan it for a full Moon or when Venus is in Taurus. Write a speech using something like: "I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your encouragement, support, and constructive criticism. Each and every one of you enrich my life. I am humbled by those of you concerned regarding my lifestyle change and have taken on board everything you have said. I have had much to consider and I could not have achieved this without you. Life is grand, and you all rock!"

There is no self pity in words such as these. It puts you squarely in the clearer position. They show that you trust