MER Today Spring 2017 MER Newsletter - May2017 | Page 2
Smaller and Smarter – Efficient and Effective
Exploration Economics – SkyTEM Method
This century has witnessed the influence of This is where the SkyTEM method, a
knowledge to shape economies and helicopter‐borne time domain
corporations. The knowledge economy can electromagnetic system (HTEM), originates
be regarded as the latest stage of from. Developed by scientists, geophysicists
development in global economic and engineers, SkyTEM is this century’s
restructuring and is marked by upheavals in latest breakthrough airborne geophysical
technological innovations. Mineral technology and is designed to satisfy the
exploration companies must rely on growing knowledge and financial needs of
intellectual capabilities as well as on physical the exploration community via extremely
inputs or natural resources to succeed and quick acquisition and delivery of high quality
compete globally and look beyond dated data from which high value information can
traditional methods to take advantage of be extracted.
new products and processes developed by
the research community.
High powered HTEM systems with a focus
on depth of exploration are challenged or
Airborne geophysical data can provide incapable of mapping the near surface and
valuable input for identification of likely drill subtle or discrete geological changes.
targets but acquiring geophysical data can be Moreover, such systems commonly employ
an expensive exercise. Aircraft costs often very large carrier frames that slow
represent more than 50% of an airborne acquisition speeds and thereby cost‐
survey budget. It is vitally important efficiencies. SkyTEM systems are engineered
therefore to retrieve as much information as to map at least as deep as any of the
possible from the data as quickly as possible conventional HTEM systems while offering
to enhance the likelihood of exploration several innovations that the mineral
success. It is also important in the 21st exploration sector can derive economic
century to develop resources in benefit from.
environmentally, socially, and economically
sustainable ways.
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