MENU dorset issue 25 MENU25.dorset pdf issue | Page 50
Find out more about
Executive Chef
Antony Biles’
inspirations on p.74.
Fresh from a trio of acclaimed restaurants, Exec
Chef Antony Biles brings out the best of Dorset’s
signature seafood with this classic linguine
While some of us struggle even
to exert any level of culinary control
over three pans at one time, a
professional like Executive Chef
Antony Biles can balance three
whole kitchens-worth of highly
acclaimed food. He oversees the
delicious output of The Quay Inn, The Gloucester in Weymouth and the Italian
Kitchen in Wareham.
He’s well equipped for the demands of the job though, starting his first
job in a commercial kitchen at the age of 14 and working his way up. On the
way, he’s developed a huge knowledge of ingredients and recipes and has a
passion for local produce and fresh ideas. He has refined the traditional steak
and seafood menus at of The Quay Inn and The Gloucester and the modern
fine dining menu at The Italian Kitchen. All three are soon to be changing over
to new menus overseen by Antony and cooked by his team of chefs. Expect
dishes as fresh as this linguine that take some of the regions finest ingredients
to new heights.
Ingredients Method
360g linguine pasta
100ml white cooking wine
20 fresh clams
200g Dorset crab meat, brown
and white
100ml double cream
8 vine cherry tomatoes, cut in
2 pinches of fresh basil
Tbsp of fresh lime juice
Half a tbsp of homemade
lime pickle
1. Place a saucepan onto a full
2. Add the white wine in the pan,
bring to the boil and place clams
and cherry tomatoes in there.
3. Put the lid on until the clams fully
open. If there are any that don’t pick
them out and discard.
4. Add the lime chutney and the
double cream, bring to the boil until
the cream thickens.
5. Add the lime juice, fresh crab,
pasta and then the fresh basil, toss
around then twist into bowls.
T he Q u ay In n
T h e Q u a y, Wa r e h a m , D o r s e t , B H2 0 4 L P
w w w.t h eq u a y i n n . c o m
Te l 0 1 9 2 9 5 5 2 7 3 5