MENU dorset issue 12 issue 12 | Page 11

Also in season Beetroot Roast it… with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Goes great with roast beef. B ro n z e tu lo n g e r to rk e y s ta k e re sl a u g h te a c h th e ir a n d – a s r w e ig h t, a re m e a t ta st su lt – th e e s b e tt e r Cauliflower Fry it… slice into steaks, season with salt and pepper and brown in the pan before finishing off in the oven. Celeriac po ta to es A lo ng w it h sw ed e (t at ti es ), cl as si c (n ee ps ) is a en t to m ac co m pa ni ot ti sh Sc tr ad it io na l gi s di sh H ag Mash it… with butter and salt and pepper. Serve with salmon or pork chops as an alternative to potato mash. Chicory Serve with… blue cheese, walnuts and apple in a winter salad. Jerusalem Artichoke e’ s m or e W hi le th er rk ey, tu a on t m ea t is ri ch er go os e m ea ne ed to t so yo u do n’ h of it ea t as m uc Blend it… to make a luxurious, rich soup. Kale Stir-fry it… with garlic, ginger and chilli. Leeks 11 Sauté them… and serve in a cheese sauce for a traditional/retro, Christmas side-dish. Parsnips Roast them… add some honey for the last 10 minutes of cooking time. Potatoes C le m en ti ne ac id ic th an s ar e le ss or T he y ’r e ea an ge s. si er to pe el , to o As we ll as be ef, y ve r ho rse rad ish go es an d we ll wi th sm ok ed oil y f ish or ha m Roast them… Maris Pipers are best for roasties. Give them a shake after par-boiling to fluff them up. Shallots Fry them… softened shallots make a great base for a risotto. Turnips Great in… a Lancashire stew with lamb, carrots, onion and sliced potatoes. Wild Mushrooms Fry them… with thyme and serve on toasted sourdough, with a poached egg on top. Apples Bake them… stuffed with cinnamon, sultanas and brown sugar.