MENU dorset #01 | Page 7

{ F A C T } Rhubarb was such a highly regarded drug for liver, lung and gut illnesses that in 1657 in Engand, it fetched three time the price of opium A ‘churro’ is effectively a Spanish doughnut and is fried and then dipped in hot chocolate or café con leche. I grew up in Spain and as a child this was a favourite of mine and now my children love it too! We’ve added this Spanish treat to our menu at The Dining Room and have now extended our tapas menu to the evening, my sister and I are really proud to cook authentic Spanish food and love that it’s so popular here in the UK. P DorsET's L E N T Y What’s local, seasonal and delicious in March? 7 Sp r ing might not have f ully spr u ng but it ’s cer tainly in the air in Ma rch. T here’s local colou r in the g rocers f rom rhuba rb a nd the pu r ple sprout ing b roccoli look s regal amo ng the root veg ha ng ing in there f rom winter. O n the f ish cou nter, ter racota c rabs have appea red …