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RHUBARB AND ALMOND TART {Serves 8-10} SWEET PASTRY (FOR 4 26CM TART SHELLS) 225g unsalted butter 170g caster sugar 4 Blackacre egg yolks 4tbsp cold water 110g cornflour 335g soft plain flour 5g Maldon salt, fine ground For the pastry Cream the butter and caster sugar together. Beat until the mixture starts to go pale. Combine the egg yolks and the water and beat gradually into the butter mix. Mix the flours and the salt, and sift onto the butter mix. Use a rubber spatula to fold the flour in; you are aiming for dough that is homogenous but has been worked as little as possible. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and bring together into a cylinder. Wrap in cling film and chill for at least 30 mins. FRANGIPANE (1 TART, 10 PORTIONS) 150g unsalted butter 150g caster sugar 150g whole Blackacre egg 150g ground almonds 5g salt 50g self raising flour Almond extract Line a 26cm flan ring and blind bake at 160°c until just set, remove the baking beans and cook until a light golden brown. RHUBARB 200g forced rhubarb 25g caster sugar 25ml ginger wine 75g ginger preserve With Sienna on its last few services, Russell’s next venture is Creative about Cuisine, a showcase for his writing, consultancy, teaching and photography. “An amalgamation of all that I have learned and, most importantly, everything I am passionate about.” as he describes it. Check out the website to stay up to date with the next stage in his culinary journey and hear from some of his talented friends. Some of Russell’s favourite local producers Brush the pastry case with a yolk and water egg wash and return to the oven for one minute. Repeat. For the rhubarb Cut the rhubarb into 2cm lengths and place on a baking tray, sprinkle over the sugar and ginger wine. Roast at 160ºc for two mins until the rhubarb just starts to soften. Drain off any juice from the tray and reserve, then chill the rhubarb. To assemble the tart Spread the tart case with a layer of ginger preserve and then pipe in the frangipane. Push the rhubarb pieces into the frangipane, starting in the centre and working outwards. Leave around 1cm gap between the pieces and finish 1cm in from the edge of the pastry case. Bake at 160°C for 15-20 mins until golden and firm. Brush the tart with a little melted ginger preserve to glaze. Allow to cool but do not refrigerate. The history of Russell’s acclaimed Dorchester restaurant… October 2010 - The new Michelin guide is released and Sienna retains its star. November 2003 - The AA award Sienna two rosettes. Russell’s role outside of the restaurant continues to develop, with various consultancy contracts, teaching, demonstrations, writing and recipe development. 2015 - Creative about Cuisine is formed, a new venture for Russell. 2 012 2004 January 2007 The AA award Sienna a third rosette - this classes a restaurant as being in the top 10% of AA-rated establishments in the UK. September/ October 2004 - Sienna is now listed in all the major guides. 2010-2015 January 2010 25th April 2015 Sienna continues to Michelin award Sienna Russell and Eléna’s last go from strength to one star, the first service at Sienna; the strength and retains restaurant in Dorset to end of their lease at the Michelin star, receive the award for the restaurant means three rosettes and is over 20 years. There it is time to take on were only 147 Michelin listed with a score of 4, new challenges. star restaurants in the rising to 5 in the Good Food Guide. UK at that time. 2 015 January 2004 Sienna is listed in the Michel [