MENU dorset #01 | Page 21

Dorsets PLENT Y esh Fr ds oo G Stock your larder and fill your fridge!… Carluccio's White Truffl e Oil £7.59, 55ml£ Or olio al tartu fo bianco as it look s like some one has char ming ly scraw led on the label . This is one of those ingre dients that has dinner party guests wond ering why their mush room risot to isn’t quite as good as your s. A few drop s of this olive oil infus ed with the elusi ve white truff le adds a dept h of flavour to lift pasta , fish and vegetable s. Just the sort of simple, well cooked food advo cated by the great Mr Carlu ccio hims elf in fact. Avai lable from Carlu ccio’s and onlin e www.carlu ccios .com . stard and Yeo Valley Rhubarb & Cu 1.50 a pot. Black Cherry Yoghurts, £ s as yoghurt fans has a way wit h flavour Someone at Yeo Val ley farm shop for of the sup erm arket or who scour that cold bit s wil l con firm . Not sea son al flavour their lim ited edition and cho cos of cre am che ese and m the novelty abb eration for the tch - so goo d the y British foo d ma late but instea d a clas sic ripe Cu stard. Ma de usin g just swe et of it - Rhuba rb and ma de a in Norwich, its b from a fam ily farm Early Temperly rhubar Watch bal ance that pin k tan g. d wit h org anic cre am to blende y yog hur t. It’s taken ited Bla ck Cherr out too for their lon g awa thy of c bla ck Gil li cherrie s wor rs to sou rce the org ani five yea . The res ults are lid lim ited edition pot bei ng mixed into thi s .uk now. ww w.y eov alle ing ly spe cia l and on sale lick Set in the mighty Symondsbury Estate, the rural store is nestled in 1,500 acres of countryside and is like an Aladdin’s cave to culinary lovers. Despite opening only six months ago, the manager of the store Elaine Duncan seems to have got off to a great start. The products are hand picked from a range of 34 suppliers in and around Dorset and the shelves boast an impressive array of treats. Here are three of their favourite products. 1. Moore’s Biscuits “These are one of our top sellers, especially to the tourists who want to take something nice back home from Dorset. They are all popular but the lemon and ginger variety seem to go the quickest.” Raging Bull Biltong, from 10 for 330g Hand crafted in Brita in with meat that’s graze d Sout hern Afric an savan na, this quality jerky isn’t afraid to infus e a rang e of disti nct flavours including peri peri, chut ney and garlic in its biltong, snap stick s and droe wors , a kind of Afrik aans sausa ge. Most ly its sliverside , grass feed beef but if you like your jerky with a built in barco de there ’s zebra too. Order online or from Ocad o. www.ragi ngbu llme Farmshop Favourites, Deli Delights Pink's Rocket & Lemon Pesto, £4.95 Is there a Briti sh store cupb oard with out a jar of pesto on stand by? Sure you can make your own but when time and hand fuls of fresh basil are scarce, inves ting in a good one make s all the difference . And they don’t get much better than this zesty, orga nic num ber from pure food pion eers Pink ’s. The natu ral ingre dients list gives a hint of what ’s insid e but not the full, transform ative effec ts the contents can have on borin g pasta , or a jacket potatorder. sorga Symondsbury Shop Symondsbury Estate, Bridport Telephone: 01308 538975 2. Dorset Nectar Organic Live Enzyme Apple Cider Vinegar “The vinegar and balsamic range is always popular but the Dorset Nectar Organic Live Enzyme Apple Cider Vinegar is always intriguing to customers. It is said to help your health due to the live enzymes. You can use it as a vinegar, on your salads or for pastas.” 3. Dorsetshire Sauce, made by From Dorset With Love “The whole From Dorset with Love range is really popular and one of their most popular products here is the Dorsetshire sauce. It’s a great product and clearly good for tourists to take home.” 21