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P L E N T Y Black British Garlic Made in Dorset costs from £3.50 a bulb from or find it in local farm shops and delis. As well Garlic farmer M ark al so ad vo cate s ea bl ac k cloves lik tin g the e sw eets . No cold s in hi s fa m ily for ye ar s! as potent ia l he alth benefits, ther e no problem s ar e w ga rl ic br eath ith w its black as th hen e mor e pu ngen t flavou rs ar en ’t ther e. Black Garlic ic owes Black garllong, slow a its flavour to er a month ca ramelisat ion ov tur ns temperat ures that at low ck and ma kes it the cloves bla s it lasts for taste like that. Plu months. 12 ’ Say it loud, it’s black British garlic and re we’ proud! W e food lovers know not to judge a veg by its looks. But even so, how can something that looks like, well, that, taste like this? Squeeze the shockingly black clove from it’s unassuming papery jacket and bravely pop it, uncooked, into your mouth and things get complicated. The flavours are deep and layered and have food writers reaching for their thesaurus. There’s some sweetness, some bitterness, caramelised notes and unami tones. Add in tamarind, chocolate, smoke and balsamic vinegar and the only thing that’s really clear is that black garlic has that undefinable je ne sais quoi of the more unique artisan ingredients. Think truffles and caviar. If there’s transformative taste going on in your mouth, it’s only as strange as the alchemy going on at Mark Botwright’s farm near Bridport. Started with a handful of bulbs 17 years ago, the South West Garlic Farm now grows 700,000 of them a year. Some of which get the honour of turning black in a process Nick developed from a 4000 year old Korean recipe. The results taste as spectacular as they look. No wonder culinary luminaries from Nigella to Ottolenghi to Mark Hix (see right) go crazy for this monochrome mystery and many of the UK’s best restaurants have it on repeat order. It means Mark and his wife Wendy are constant targets for national TV and press when we want to claim them for our own, made in Dorset and proud. ca n be used in soups, sauc es, cr ushe d into m ayon na ise or simply tossed into a vegetable dish or rubb ed on ch ic ken sk in or belly po rk fat. Recipe Roasted Cauliflower with Black Garlic b y Ma rk Hix Ingredients 1 Head of cauliflower, cut into large florets and saving the outer green leaves and stems. 2-3 tbsp rapeseed oil 60 g butter 1 bulb of black